Chapter 4: New Guardian

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It Waking up today was....weird. I was happy? Why? Maybe it's because tomorrow is the weekend. I don't know, but what I do know is today is the start of my new position as Guardian. But what chair would I be? Aren't there only five. I figured the only way to get answers was to ask one of them...maybe Tadase could tell me. The thought brought a huge smile to my face as I jumped out of bed to get ready for school. I took a quick shower, tied my hair up into its usual ponytail, changed into my uniform and ran downstairs with Haley, Emi, and my two other eggs. I checked my phone and noticed I had twenty minutes to spare so I joined my family at the table for breakfast. I took my seat across the table from my little brother Kaito.

"Good morning Kiyomi." My mother said from one end of the table.

"Morning mom." I stared at the chef who rolled in a cart with our food on it which made my mouth water.

"How was your first day of dance the other day?" My father asked as the chef set my plate in front of me.

"It was great, I got prima #1 in the upcoming recital yesterday." I said excitingly.

"Wow, second day at your new ballet school and you're already ahead of the class." My mom said with a smile. I began to eat my breakfast when my dad spoke up.

"Are you really ahead of the class Kiyomi?" He said. Here we go go again. My father has always been one for competition, I guess that's what being one of the best businesses in the world gets you. He's said that if you don't win, and get second place're just the first loser.

"Well there's this other girl, her name is Maika Himekawa. She's an amazing dancer, but somehow I managed to top her. She's my friend so even if she were to get the part instead of me I would've been happy for her." I said I finished the last of my breakfast saying goodbye to my family and ran out the front door where the limo waited for me.

"Mornin' miss Kiyomi." Mao said looking at me through the rear view mirror.

"Morning Mao."

"So I got some bad news for ya." He said beginning to pull out of the estate. "Your parents are going on a little business trip for a week so I have to drop them off at the airport after school, so I won't be picking you up today, is that alright?" He asked.

"Sure Mao, I'll walk home it's only ten minutes away." I smiled and he nodded.

"Alright, well here we are." I thanked Mao and hopped out of the limo walking up to the school building.

~After Lunch~

After lunch our teacher escorted us down to the auditorium for an assembly regarding the Guardians


"That's all for last week. Continuing on, and although this may be unusual, we'll be announcing a new guardian member." Tadase looked my way and gave me a small wink which made the girls sitting by me swoon. I shook my head with a smirk and crossed my arms. "The new Guardian, in other words the sixth Guardian, is The Cavalier: Kiyomi Yoshida!" (Just so you know the cavalier is an extra set of cards in a card deck, here is an example)

 "The new Guardian, in other words the sixth Guardian, is The Cavalier: Kiyomi Yoshida!" (Just so you know the cavalier is an extra set of cards in a card deck, here is an example)

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All around the room ohh and ahh could be heard. I smiled and thanked the people who congratulated me.

~After School~

I made my way down to the Royal Garden as I was now officially a Guardian and had work to do.

"I've never been here yet." Emi said shyly.

" like it." I said. I went inside and saw that everyone was already there.

"Ah! Kiyo-chan." Tadase exclaimed happily walking over.

"Good afternoon, Tadase-kun." I smiled at him making him flushed.

"H-here, it's your Royal cape." From behind his back he pulled out a red plaid cape and put it on me.

"Thank you." We all sat at the table and began to have tea and snacks Nadeshiko brought. "So I'm still confused on what I have to do." I said setting the tea cup down.

"Well because your one of the only people who can character transform, we decided that the Cavalier's chair should work alongside the Joker." Nadeshiko explained "Which means your job is to hunt down and purify X eggs." Amu and I looked to each other simultaneously and high fived one another.

~After Guardian Meeting~

"Well guys I need to get going." I said standing up.

"Can't you tell Mao to pick you up a little latter!" Yaya said sadly. I shook my head.

"He's not picking me up today, he had to drop my parents off at the airport."

"So your walking home, alone?" Tadase said, I nodded and he quickly walked over. "I'll walk with you." I smiled and we said goodbye to everyone making our way out. Half the walk, was complete and awkward silence until Tadase cleared his throat. "So, what do you think?"

"About what?" I asked.

"Us. The guardians." I thought for a bit before giggling.

"Well, I think your all great." I looked at him and he just smiled "What?" I said laughing even more.

"You laugh. I've never heard it before...I like it, it's cute." I blushed and turned away noticing a small ice cream parlor. "You know you're a lot nicer than you lead on." I nodded and looked down.

"Yeah sorry, for being rude to you all those times before."

"It's okay, I forgive you." We arrived at the gate of my estate and before I could walk in Tadase grabbed my wrist. "Uh, K-Kiyo-chan?"

"Hm?" I said.

"I was wondering if you had plans for this weekend." He said keeping his head down hiding his red face.

"Nope, I'm free."

"D-do you maybe wanna go for some ice cream with me tomorrow?" He said. I smiled nodding.

"Thanks for walking me home Tadase-kun." I leaned forward and planted a small kiss on his cheek "Pick me up at 11:30, little King." I closed the gate behind me and walked to the house leaving him stunned and holding the cheek I kissed.


Hi guys! Aww, Tadase-kun is so Kawaii!!!!

I made another update for y'all cause I was bored. Soooooo......


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