When you just got home from school....
Twitter (bangtan)
Twitter (bangtan)
Youtube (buzzfeed)
(maths time) 2/3 of my notification is kpop=bangtan (including wattpad) 1/3 is not kpop related. I spend 2/3 in my ipod full of ipod everyday. All my songs are 2/3 kpop while the remaining is not korean songs. Meanwhile in my photos 3/4 of my photos are bangtan and seventeen mixed. The remainings are other personal stuff with kojima haruna in it. My youtube histories are:
50% kpop
20% nigahiga, danisnotonfire and amazingphil
20% sekai no owari and akb48
5% buzzfeed
5% other not related videosTotal= 100% ME
When you realized this book already has 1k reads and 100+ votes. This one is a bit confusing isn't it hehe. Because its maths.

A.R.M.Ys Problems
RastgeleBeing a fan looks easy and hard at the same time why? You can call yourself a fan, EASY. But what's the hard part? The hard parts is are you sure you are real, good, matured fan? Everyone makes mistakes. Yes, everyone is not perfect including me. I...