Secrets of the Night {You Wish Batman} PART 6

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** Ok here's the next part! Your comments are awesome by the way so thanks! Comment and vote on this one too please!

I had images flashing before me. I saw Blade, Mr. terrifying, and the knives that he was holding. I saw the flames above me. I saw the glint of hope of light as my lungs were burning. I saw my first attacker falling back into the water. I saw the ground coming up at me as I tripped and fell. I saw the evil glint in his eyes... then I screamed. It was a scream that I had been holding back for so long, and I finally let it all out. I knew it was a blood curdling scream, but I didn't care.

I forced my eyes open and sat up straight. I looked around me but I didn't recognize anything. I backed up into the headboard of the bed and curled my legs up to my chest. It was dark in the room and I couldn't recognize anything.

"Woah, calm down serpent belle. You were brought into your room after you fainted. They told us three to watch over you. I was unlucky enough to be here when you woke up." I knew that voice, but I couldn't quite put a face to the voice. Then everything slowly started sinking in. That voice was the voice of the most arrogant asshole I had ever met. The light flashed on and I saw Blade standing in the corner of my room watching me.

"Bat boy get the fuck out of my room. I don't want to deal with you right now." Just then my bedroom door burst open and Lexie rushed in. "What's going on? Who's getting killed?" Lexie looked around as if trying to find my attacker.

I just started laughing. "Lexie, no one is getting killed. I just woke up from quite the uh... nightmare."

"Oh my god you're finally awake!" She ran over to me and more tackled me than hugged me.

"Aw, the two love birds reunited. How adorable." Blade was standing there looking over at me with a bored look on his face.

"I told you to get the fuck out of my room. So turn your ass around and get. Out. Now." I pointed towards the door in case he had suddenly forgotten where it was. He let out a nonchalant grunt and then walked out the door.

"Ugh I hate him so much!" I huffed as I lay back on my bed.

"Mhm... sure you do..." Lexie rolled her eyes at me.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?! If you're implying what I think you are, your ass is about to get thrown out of this room as well." I glared over at her, daring her to test that threat.

"Alright alright! Only you could kick me out of my own room. Anyways what happened to you? I didn't exactly pin you as the fainting type," Lexie said as she moved over to lay next to me on my bed.

"I'm not trust me. This is the first time I have ever fainted like that. I think my body was just drained from energy from everything I had just gone through. I gue-"

"What the hell did they put you through? I mean, I didn't make it through my test either, but it wasn't as bad as yours sounds!" I turned and looked over at Lexie and really looked at her for the first time. She had a black eye and a cut down her face. Her arms were scratched up and I almost gasped when I saw that her right ankle was in a brace.

"Lexie what happened to you? No offense but you look like crap!" Lexie just looked over at me and raised an eyebrow. "You're worse than me... Can't you feel that?"

I stopped my worrying about Lexie and started to go through a check on my body. It was something I was well practiced at. I rolled my head around, and though my neck was a little sore there wasn't anything wrong with it. I rolled my shoulders back, and they felt fine. I bent my elbows and those felt fine too. I moved my wrists and winced when I felt my left one move. I looked down and saw that it was completely purple. I studied my hands and noticed that there were all scratched up. None of the scratches were deep though, so I wasn't worried about them. I stretched my arms out again and winced when I felt a cut on my upper left arm. I looked down and saw that it was bandaged, but the blood was still visible through the gauze. It must have been really deep to bleed that much.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2010 ⏰

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Secrets of the Night {You Wish Batman} PART 6Where stories live. Discover now