May 13th, 2010

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"Ugh, Ann! It's all falling apart!" Leslie says as the duo walks through city hall.
"Leslie, it'll be OK."
"But that's how we met! The park!"
"I know!"
"And now, with all the budget stuff, I won't be able to follow through with the promise that brought us together!'
"Leslie, don't worry about it!"
"I mean, this is-" Leslie's voice drops off. She whispers frantically to Ann. "That's them!"
"Them." She says, discreetly nodding ahead towards the two men in suits walking towards them.
"Who are they?"
"Ben and Chris."
"Leslie Knope!" Says the taller of the two. From the descriptions Leslie has given her, Ann assumed it was Chris. "Who's your friend?"
"This is my best friend, Ann Perkins."
"Hi." Ann says holding her hand out to Chris. He doesn't take it and instead points at her face.
"Ann. Perkins."
"OK then." Ann says, putting her hand down awkwardly.
"My name is Chris Traeger. This is Ben."
Ben nods his head, then looks a little towards Leslie.
"Ms. Knope." he says quietly.
"Mr. Wyatt." Leslie says, clearly annoyed at him. They glare at each other through slightly narrowed eyes. Wow. The meeting really did go as bad as she said. Ann thinks
"Which department do you work in?" Chris asks, seeming almost like he isn't noticing the angry tension running between Ben and Leslie.
"Oh, I don't work here. I'm a nurse."
"A nurse? Really? Nurses are literally the most amazing people in the world."
"Oh, uh, thank you!"
"You are most certainly welcome! Well, Ben and I have to go. Great to meet you, Ann Perkins."
He and Ben walk away.
"That man is easily the most optimistic man I've ever met." Ann says, glancing back as the two as they walk away.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2015 ⏰

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