Falling in love

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Looking out the back passenger side window, a young stud approached the front window. He began speaking with my sister Heather. He was her boyfriend may the time and ended up dating off and on for about 8 years.
The young man would be Shan Clyde Stewart. We happened to become best of friends later down the road, but I always had such strong feelings for him! I still remember that day like yesterday! He had a shell necklace around his neck, shirtless, plaid Bermuda shorts, sandals, and a ball cap on. He had an amazing body... he was to pure eye candy!!!
Time had passed...hours...days...years after he and my sister would break up he would date other girls and not ever ME.
I just couldn't figure out what I was doing wrong? Yet he and I talked on a daily basis? Maybe, we became a family bond or something? I don't know...
Girl after girl he would go through, giving me less hope of an opportunity. Kept bringing me down...
It wasn't till my junior year of high school hope had struck. I was 17 years of age at the time with two young children, I and there father had split up and he had moved on. I was trying to as well ... Shan messaged me and called me. Telling me , how much h cared about me which I couldn't believe my ears!
Anyway,my ex happened to come by hooting and raving around about how I was talking to Shan when we were together and I was an ungrateful liar.

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