Third Times the Charm

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They third time's a charm! So is the third episode! Ladies and gents, it is our third episode. The fans are already clawing and scratching to get their hands on that Pilot, so we better work fast! Now behave yourselves, because we've got a lot of work to do. This isn't auditions anymore, so we have no time for being awkward and polite around one another. Get to know your co-stars!! But not too much...if you know what I mean. ;) Ooh second thought, go ahead. Makes for great on-screen chemistry, which makes me a VERY rich person. Have fun, make friends, and come to set prepared!

So basically this is the starter. I want to think @AylaMRuby for helping me with the starter. Basically we're 3 episodes in, no one is really a stranger, but you are still getting to know each other. The way this will work is that when the direction says Action I will update the next chapter where you will play your characters. The next chapter will be the pilot. So right now you're your actors and you all know your roles. So have fun and...ACTION!

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