The dare (part 1)

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Sabrina-14 puck-14 Daphne-10

Sabrina PoV

I was sitting with my friends Bella and Jess it was recess time(they found out that Bella was not that bad and was forced to join the scarlet hand. Jess was a human but she know about everafters the two of them is her best friends) they were playing truth or dare.

"Your turn Sabrina, truth or dare?" Bella asked me.

"Dare," I replied with a bored tone, resting my cheek on my hand.

Bella said slyly, "I dare you to try to make Puck admitted he like you to you."

"What!!? He doesn't even like me. He HATES me! He always pranked me and he will not admitted even he liked me. I bet he doesn't even wants to be my friend. Forget it, he hates me," I said, scowling, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"I don't think so," Jess laughed and high five Bella.

"You two planned this. Is it?" I groaned.

"Yep," Jess said trying not to laugh at my expression.

Ring-ring. The bell rang to signal that recess was over.

"Sabrina you still need to do the dare. Don't think we will forget about this. Within this week you need to finish this dare. Do it when we are around and after you finish the dare you can dare the two of us," Bella warned me and went to her next lesson.

Luckily, that day after school Puck had football practice and would not be back at granny Relda's house before 6:00 so I had plenty of time to think of a plan. I was deep in thought when Daphne said waving her hands in front of my face, "Hellloo Sabrina are you here."

I blinked.

"Sabrina what's wrong. You haven't talk since school is over?" Daphne asked concerned about me.

I sighed and thought maybe Daphne would have some ideas. Maybe she can help me. So I explained the dare to Daphne and asked her if she had any ideas.

Daphne bit her hand excitedly almost drawing blood, then said, "I think I had a idea but I don't think you will like it and the whole family need to help with this planned."

"How about you now explained it to me and if I think this planned is ok we will have a family meeting and ask them for help ok?" Daphne nodded and on the way home, we planned the whole thing.

When we went back home the two of us agreed with the plan and asked granny if we could have a family meeting with it. "Of course lieblings, I will tell the others."

A few minutes later, Red, uncle Jake, Henry, Veronica, granny Relda, Daphne, a 5 years old Basil and I were all sitting in the living room.

"So, what is this meeting about?" Uncle Jake asked.

"Um we need you guys to help us with a dare that my friends gave me. Can you guys help us?"

"Unless you tell us about the plan," Henry said. Daphne and I nodded. Then we took turns to explained. It was 5:00 when we finish explaining.

"It is actually a good plan," Veronica said. "We will help you and we will do the things according to the plan. Right?" She looked at the others hopefully. All of them nodded.

"And Red, can you help me to looked after Basil? 'Cause I don't want him to said anything to Puck ok?" I asked Red. She agreed happily to help.

"But I don't like the dare and I don't think Puck will actually go to find you," Henry grumbled unhappily.

I ignored dad and then told everybody to do their things they are doing and remember the plan. Then I went to my room to do my homework. When it was 5:30 I remembered I needed to tell Bella and Jess my plan! So I quickly called them and I told Bella first because she needed to ask her mum if me and Jess can have a sleepover in her house. So after I quickly told her, she liked the plan and she went off to ask her mum. Then I called Jess and told her she also liked it so she went off to ask her mum too.

Then Puck came back I quickly shut the door so that he doesn't know what I was doing or else he will ruin the plan. So I texted my friends and asked them. Suddenly the door was opened and Puck was there. Holding the science homework I quickly turn off my phone, "What you want fairy boy, can't you see I am doing homework?"

"I was just going to asked you about the homework. And then you are like that!" He snapped at me.

"Shut up gasbag." I snapped back. Then something strange happened he didn't called back names, instead he stomped off to his room. I was curious.

Puck PoV

I can't believe that Sab-Grimm won't help me. So I stomped off to see Basil. I have began to train him as my trickster king's prince so when I asked him to tell me what happened when I was not here. He said proudly, " They had a family meeting."

I frown, how dare that they didn't inform the trickster King! "So what is it about?"

"About a plan."

Now I was so confused that I couldn't see or hear Daphne and Red coming into my room. Then Red quickly said "I am so sorry Puck. But we need to get Basil to do homework. Come on Basil."

"But I not yet tell my brother the plan." Basil whined. Daphne's face suddenly went as white as a sheet. "Come on Basil we need to do the homework."

So I turn into a mouse and follow them. Daphne and Red is now sharing a room. They brought Basil to their room and shut the door before I could go in.

Sabrina PoV

I saw Puck following the girls. I was afraid our plan didn't work but then I heard buzz, someone text me. I quickly checked. Daphne texted said,

Puck didn't find out anything yet everything is going according to the plan so don't worry so do they agree

I quickly type back,


This is going to be a long night, I sighed.

Puck PoV

When it was dinner, everyone was oddly quiet. Daphne and Red was whispering to each other and giggling. Henry was frowning at me, Sab-Grimm was staring down at her food. She was beautiful, her long blond hair was like sil- wait!! What was happening to me I was thinking Grimm as beautiful!! Gah the puberty was turning me to this. I quickly finished my food and went back to my room.

I was thinking of what they were talking about during the family meeting for the whole night.

A/N ok guys I know I am new and my first language is Chinese and English is my second language. But I am trying my best to write it like the school in America and London. So if you find it strange please forgive me. And because my school is half londan and half Chinese so I am not very sure. But please comment down below do you like it or not. And give me some ideas please.

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