Kissing booth

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Au, there's no magic or everafters, they are all normal people.

Sabrina: 16

I sat on the chair, pouting at my supposed best friend, Bella.

"Please not the kissing booth any others also can just not this." I begged her for the thousandth times.

"Nope you are doing this and as the president of this school I order you to do this." She said seriously, but with that smirked on her face-that I wished I quick wiped it off, it's hard to take her seriously.

That's right, me Sabrina Grimm, is doing the freaking kissing booth!! Like what in the hell! I had a reputation at school for never having boys' drama and nothing special! Now I needed to do the kissing booth! Bella knew I hate the idea of kissing a boy much less he pays me and I let him kiss me! This is ridiculous!

Suddenly I saw someone entered, urghhh it's Malcolm, our school's most perverted pervert.

"Ooooh this year is the famous Ms. Stay-away-from-me. This is going to be interesting. How much for a kiss?" He asked me his eyes looking me up and down, no doubt checking me out.

I snapped my fingers in front of his face, " Eyes up here pervert. No kissing on the lips, only cheeks and 20 bucks."

He frowned,"That's so expensive for a kiss on the cheeks!" He whined liked a little kid.

"Take it or leave."

"Fine." He said and he gave me twenty bucks. Satisfied, I asked him to learn closer and I pecked him quickly on the cheeks before wiping my mouth on my sleeves.

"Hey, no fair! It's not even a second." He said complaining.

"Bye have a nice day." I said and waved him off.


"What." I scowled at him for coming back again.

"Is this how you treat all your customers." He chuckled, wait that's not Malcolm, wait its Puck! What is he doing here?! I stood there gaping at him.

Puck Goodfellow, was your typical, star quarterback, good looks, apparently 'bad boy', and you know the typical player. Doing all those one night stands and stuff.

"What are you doing here? I thought you had a girlfriend." I said looking at my nails, with a bored expression on my face, showing no interest.

"Jealous?" He said giving me the smirked that had thousands girl falling for him.

"No." I said fuming, I felt my face heating up, I pray to whoever that's listening that I'm not blushing.

"Hmm, anyways I'm here for the kiss."

"What?! Don't you like, have a line of girls waiting for you?" I said raising one of my eyebrow.

"Yea, but I'm here to donate my money and I heard that the famous Sabrina Grimm is doing the kissing booth." He said.

"100 bucks for a kiss on the cheeks." I said triumphantly, smirking back at him. Who would pay a 100 bucks for a kiss on the cheeks?!

"Seriously! But I heard it's only 20." He whined.

"Take it or leave."

"Fine." He slapped a hundred bucks on the table. I stood there gaping at him, eyes widen, mouth opened.

"Now close that pretty mouth of yours, you wouldn't want to catch flies do you." He said smirking at me, arms crossed over his chest.

"Fine." I snapped at him and leaned towards him for a peck but at the last second, he turned and instead I kissed his lips. I gasped and tried to pull away.

But his hands wove into my tangled blond hair and pulled me closer, not allowing me to escape. I stopped struggling instead, I felt his soft lips, moving against mine.

Omg I can't believe kissing is this good... hmm he must be a very good kisser.

My hands unconsciously went to his blond silky hair, tucking it. But sadly we needed to come out for air and we stopped, gasping for air.

"That's more like it." He said smirking at me, and he left, leaving me with swollen lips and my first kiss gone.

A/N hey guys, I started this fanfic like two year ago and now reading it back its so cringy😂😂 anyways if you like this please vote and comment. If you want me to continue it comment it down below, also if had more then 10 votes I will also continue it. If I also had any new ideas I will write it so stay tune guys. At the mean time please check out my other stories. Bye!

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