Safe House

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After regrouping with Thor, Clint and Nat we waited on the quinjet not saying a word. By the time Tony was back with a very shaken Bruce it was early evening. We all continued to sit in silence, Bruce had a blanket wrapped around his shoulders and was leaning against the middle seat panel, laying his head back in horror and disbelief of what he had done, of what Wanda had made him do. Bruce had Hulked out and destroyed a nearby city. Steve and I were in the left side of the jet. He was looking forward with a blank expression whilst I was sitting cross legged on the floor leaning my head on his thigh allowing occasional tears fall as memories from my 'vision' flashed across my mind. Thor was pacing slightly cracking his knuckles, obviously still trying to recover from what he'd seen himself. Clint was flying with Tony seated close behind resting his head against his fist. Nat was also sitting emotionless, opposite Cap and I.

"The news is loving you guys. Nobody else is" Hill spoke through coms. "There's been no official call for Banner's arrest but it's in the air." I sighed "The Stark Relief Foundation?" Tony asked. "All ready on the scene" Hill confirmed "How's the team?" She questioned. "Everyone's..... we took a hit" I looked up to Steve to see him opening his eyes and taking a deep breath."We'll shake it off" Tony finished."Well, for now I'd stay in stealth mode and stay away from here." Hill stated. "So, run and hide?" Tony questioned. "Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer" Hill finished."Neither do we" Tony sighed before turning of communications and walking up to Clint.

"Hey, you wanna switch out?" He asked as I pulled my knee's up to my chest."No, I'm good. If you wanna get some kip, now's a good time because we're still a few hours out" Clint answered "Few hours from where?" Tony asked."A safe house" Clint answered leaving Tony to turn away and take his seat again. I looked up to Steve to see him already looking back at me. I gave a sad smile which in return he ran his finger along my cheek. I sighed nuzzling my head into his thigh again trying to get any sort of rest in this nightmare.

After a few restless attempts to fall asleep I gave up and allowed myself to watch the sun rise. As Clint skillfully landed behind some tree's I stood up and looked at our surroundings. It appeared to be a farm in the middle of nowhere surrounded by green fields. Clint and Natasha walked up front leading the rest of us up a dirt path to the house. Tony was behind them with Thor, Cap, myself and Bruce after him. We all looked at the farmhouse in front. It was white with green detailing and didn't seem like anything any of us were probably expecting."What is this place?" Thor questioned as we walked onto the porch."Safe house" Tony answered not quite believing himself. "Let's hope" Clint stated as he opened the door. Steve and I were standing side by side and gave each other an uneasy look. As the seven of us walked inside we came to realise it was a family home."Honey?" Clint called out as he lead us into the living room."I'm home" he finished as we all stood in a line in front of the window.

A heavily pregnant woman walked through into the open kitchen carrying a child's painting. "Hi" Barton spoke still giving support to Nat. I stepped slightly closer to Steve confused as to where this would lead. "Company. Sorry, didn't call ahead" Clint stated as he and the women shared a kiss. The rest of us apart from Nat looked completely stunned. "This is an agent of some kind" Tony told us trying to get his head around things. "Gentlemen, ladies, this is Laura" Clint introduced as I smiled softly. "I know all of your names" she said with a chuckle. I smiled again. Footsteps caught my attention. "Ooh, incoming" Clint smiled before leaving Laura and crouching down on the floor. "Dad!" A little girl exclaimed jumping into Barton's arms. "Hi sweetheart!" I stared open-mouthed but soon allowed my expression to fall into a smile. "Hey Buddy" Clint finished hugging an older boy. Steve made a face of confusion whilst Barton continued to talk to the kids. "These are smaller agents" Tony confirmed trying to get his head around things.

Steve looked to me as the little girl spoke up "Did you bring auntie Nat?" Barton play gasped. "Why don't you hug her and find out" Natasha joked as she walked forward and picked the little girl up. "Sorry for barging in on you" Steve said as he looked at the family. "Yeah we would have called ahead but we were busy having no idea that you existed" Tony stated sarcastically. "Yeah well, Fury helped me set this us when I joined. He kept it off S.H.I.E.L.D.'s files, I'd like to keep it that way" Clint finished. I nodded. "I figured it's a good place to lay low"

"Honey" Laura began but I soon lost what she was saying as a crunch came from behind. Thor had stepped on a Lego house causing me and Cap to turn around. In silence, he glanced at us before kicking it under the sofa. I couldn't help but smirk.

The little girl walked up to me, Cap and Thor. Something made the God change and he walked fiercely from the room. Cap looked to me before following, I looked at the little girl "Do you like magic?" I questioned with a smile trying to take my mind off the thought of Thor rushing out. She nodded eagerly. I rose my hand and opened my palm revealing a small purple orb. The girl giggled before bounding of back to Clint and telling him what I'd done. I smiled as he looked at me but then turned and walked out the door to find Thor and Cap.

Steve was standing at the open door looking through towards me."You OK?" I questioned walking up in front of him. "Yeah, I... Thor needs answers so he's gone who knows where" I nodded. "But you didn't answer my question" I pushed on, Steve sighed before walking back onto the porch."Wanda, she just bought some memories back" he finished with a sigh. I nodded "I'm sorry I never did ask you if you were ok" I grieved looking into his eyes."You had your own issues I didn't expect anything from you."

I nodded looking away, taking a step towards him so I had to look up to meet his eyes. "I know but I still cared I just couldn't ask" I inwardly scolded myself for making the conversation so awkward.

Before I could say anything else stupid I stood up on my tiptoes and pushed my lips to his. I was worried that he'd pull away but he gently placed his hand on my cheek deepening the kiss. His lips were warm and comforting. His other hand found my hip and kept me steady whilst I linked my arms behind his back under his shield. As we pulled back I leaned my forehead on his. "I've been wanting to do that for a while" he breathed causing me to chuckle. "You have no idea" I finished, both of us smiling like idiots.

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