Be My Baby

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As the days turned into months Charlotte and James grew closer. Jack tried everything to tear them apart but it did not work. Josie and Bobby grew closer as well. He did not have as many fits when she was around. James' parents eventually returned from overseas. They were surprised to find their son dating someone. His parents were a little apprehensive when they first found out but they quickly warmed up to Charlotte. Charlotte was the happiest that she had ever been. On October fourteenth Charlotte's hero, Dr. Martin Luther King Junior won a Nobel Peace Prize for his nonviolent resistance to racial prejudice in America. She was so excited. I woke up around five o'clock and got ready for school. Josie and Bobby had started riding with us to school. I kissed my mother on the cheek as I ran out the door. My sister sat in the backseat with Bobby. James looked at his girlfriend and thought to himself "I am going to marry her one day". When they got to school Josie and Bobby walked together to their Science class. Nadine and Delores were already in the classroom when I got there. Nadine started gossiping about one of the girls at school. I tuned her out and started reading. I didn't notice that Kimberly Groves had walked into the classroom. She looked mad and she walked toward James and I. "James I thought that you and I were going to be a couple. What about those long walks we used to take and those talks we used to have. I remember when you kissed me and when we made love." Charlotte looked at James and was shocked. James did know what to say. He couldn't believe what had just happened. Before he could say anything Kimberly said something that would put a rift in Charlotte and James' relationship. "I am pregnant James and you are the father." Charlotte looked over at her boyfriend and glared at him. James couldn't believe what was happening. "Kimberly, if you are pregnant it is not by me. I have never touched you and I never kissed you. I have never even really had a conversation with you". By this time Nadine has stopped gossiping and paid attention to what was going on. She was shocked about what just had come out of Kimberly's mouth. Mrs. Jones walked in and the conversation stopped. When class was over Charlotte got out of there as fast as she could. James ran after her. "Charlotte please come here. I need to talk to you. " Charlotte started to walk away but she stopped and turned around.

"I want to you to know that what Kimberly said is not true. I have never been unfaithful and I never will be. She is just jealous and hurt that I did not pay attention to her." I wanted to believe him but I wasn't sure that he was being honest with me although he had never given me a reason not to be honest. I looked back and I saw Kimberly glaring at me. She looked very unhappy. James and I ate lunch with Nadine and Delores. While we were eating a dark skinned African American with hazel eyes came over to where we were sitting. He looked right at Delores. "Hello Delores, how are you doing?" Delores looked up and smiled. "I am doing well. I am sorry but I don't know your name." He looked surprised. "My name is Anthony Washington. I am in your American History class. We have lived on the same street for a few years." Charlotte noticed that Delores was blushing a little. "I knew you looked familiar." He looked her and smiled again. "I was wondering if I could walk you to class." Delores thought about it for a few seconds. "Thank you for the offer but I going to have to decline." Charlotte looked over at her friend. She couldn't believe that Delores had turned him down. "Why didn't you let him walk you to class?" "I am not sure. I just had a weird feeling about it ." After lunch was over I walked towards my Science class. As I was walking I overheard Kimberly Groves talking to Jack. "I did what you said to do but it did not work. He denied that he was the father. I almost told him that you were the father but I held my tongue. It did not help that his little- colored girlfriend was there when it happened. I don't know what we are going to do." Charlotte stood quietly behind a potted plant and continued to listen. She stood there until Jack and Kimberly had walked away. As soon they left I continued on my way to my science class.

The rest of the school day was rather boring. I sat in my science and listened to Mr. Adams talk about the formation of volcanoes. I was not really listening. After school was over I walked outside and I saw Kimberly talking to Josie. I was curious as to what she was saying to her. I started to walk over to her but James had just come out of Lafayette and he saw me. "I have been looking everywhere for you. I was thinking about what happened earlier with Kimberly. I know you don't believe me but I didn't do what she is accusing me of." I looked up at him and smiled and said "I know you didn't do that. I apologize for not believing you." James started talking for few seconds when he realized what I had said. "I overheard Kimberly talking to your cousin Jack. You were right." We walked to his black Bel Air . James opened the passenger door for me. As I was getting into the car Kimberly walked to the car.

"James I know that you will be a great father to our child. I want you to know that I am looking forward to us being a family." Kimberly was not expecting James to say what he was about to say. "You can quit this little charade that you have going. I know that my cousin and you were trying to tear Charlotte and me apart. You might have been successful if someone hadn't overheard you and Jack talking what about you had done. You can tell my good-for-nothing cousin that he just needs to stop."

Kimberly looked shocked, frustrated and she started to yell at James. "What's wrong with you? She has morally corrupted you. You need to realize that her kind is the enemy and if you are not for us then you are against us." Kimberly continued to lecture James on the evils of black people. After about five minutes James cut her off. "I am not interested in hearing what you are saying. It boggles my mind that people can be filled such hatred. I actually feel sorry for you. I hope one day that you will find God."

Kimberly looked at James and Charlotte and said with a smile . "I have already found God and I am doing his work. I hope you can keep the people that you care closest to you safe because I would hate for something to happen to them." Kimberly walked away from the Bel Air and walked away. Charlotte got into the car. She did not say anything . She looked at James . He was quiet the entire car ride.

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