1: New Clothes

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Castiel POV

Today is the day. First day of Senior year. The beginning of the end. All metaphors aside I'm ecstatic, practically jumping for joy. As joyous as one can be sleeping on the floor in a room that smells like a mixture of urine and sweat. My two younger brothers, Gabriel and Balthazar, have been living with our older brother, Lucifer, since the beginning of the summer when our third aunt kicked us out. Luci had finally excepted the responsibility of the three of us so we moved to Lawrence a week after the end of Junior year.

"Castiel?" A soft, shy voice said from the top bunk. Gabe's small boyish face peeked over the top bunk.

"Yes?" I said sitting up, trying to ignore the back pain that came with my non-bed.

"Do I have to go to school today?" Gabe was a Freshman this year so of course, he was nervous.

"Is that really a question?" I shrug off my blanket and walk over to the bottom bunk.

"Balthazar, wake up." I shake the 15-year-old awake and push both my brothers out of the door. As they leave they grab their clothes. "Why do we have to get dressed in the bathroom?" Balthazar asks.

"Because I'm older," I say and turn to my closet to look for clothes. I grab black jeans and an All Time Low tee shirt. I glance around in my drawers looking for a beanie when I see some khaki fabric peeking out beneath my clothes. I pull on it and when it comes out I see a trench coat. Usually, I wear all black but something about this coat makes me slide it over my tee shirt. I glance at myself in the mirror and give a satisfied nod. The trench coat adds a level of intensity that I had never thought to go for. It works.


At the breakfast table, Gabe stirs his Cheerios in a circle staring through the milk at the bottom of the bowl like it's explaining to him the meaning of life. Balthazar, on the other hand, is through his second bowl like this will be his last meal. Surprisingly, Lucifer is there as well instead of staying locked in the basement like he's been doing since the beginning of time. (A/N: See what I did there? Huh HUH?)

Instead of grabbing the lone bowl that's sitting on the counter, I grab my plain black canvas bag and head outside. "I can drive guys?" Lucifer offers his first and probably last brotherly words to us, but we act like they were never said. Instead, we wait at the corner until a long yellow bus pulls up beside us making its normal sounds.

I slide into the back of the bus in a seat that should only fit one person. It looks like I won't get in anybody's way because by now most of the supposedly "cool" kids have cars. I plug in my headphones and let Andy Biersack's voice block out the sounds of the rest of the world.

As we drive along the highway a vintage black car pulls up next to us. Maybe an Impala? I have no idea what year. Inside of the car is a tall muscular jock. He's gorgeous but definitely not into me. Whatever, to be honest I wouldn't have been interested in him.


Dean's POV


I'm leaning against my car waiting for my kid brother, Sam, to get his butt out of the house. When he finally stumbles out of the house he's wearing an aviator jacket jeans and a flannel. The dork even has a bowl cut. I give him a smile and open the door for him. Even though he took his sweet time getting out of the house, we'll be on time since we're both in high school.

"Dean..." He says looking out of the window.


"Don't hit the guys that tease me, okay?"

I look at him like he's crazy because it is. I have always protected my brother and I'll never stop until I stop breathing, possibly longer.

"Sam you know me better than that."

He bangs his head against the wall looking at me, pouting.

"Hey don't take it out on baby!" I say protectively.

He laughs and leans back relaxing as we leave our neighborhood and head towards Dodge East.


As Sam and I are heading into the school I notice a muscular goth looking guy. He has a trenchcoat that only accentuates his smoking hotness. Shut up brain, I like girls, I love Anna.

Speaking of my beautiful girlfriend, the perky redheaded cheerleader walks over to me and immediately starts a makeout session in the middle of the parking lot. This is what I love about Anna. She's one of those girls who're all rebellious and shit. Soooooo hot. Not as hot as trench coat guy. Shut up!

When she finally breaks contact I glance her over once or twice. She has on a crop top and skinny jeans that accent her cheerleading curves perfectly. "Let's go sexy. They want all of the seniors in Auditorium."

Once we are seated with the rest of the football team/Cheerleaders in the back of the Auditorium, I slip my hand around her waist and let it rest on her thigh. Right as our principal, Mr. Metatron, or Doucheface, starts talking the guy from earlier walks in. I try not to notice his perfectly messed up hair or his hot 5 o'clock shadow but to be honest I couldn't help but stare.


To Be Honest; a Jock! Dean and Punk!Cas Destiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now