Chapter 13: My Angel

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This chapter is for the wonderful @aliekatt11 and every chapter is for the beautiful 

Cas' POV

Lucifer bore down on me. I knew I was taller than him and yet he seemed to tower over me. I rolled backwards onto the bottom bunk. Suddenly my jaw was slammed inwards and down my throat. With the second punch, I heard a crack and pain seared down my cheek. Lucifer, my brother, was punching me harder than anyone had ever punched me before yet the only thing I could think about  was the fact that he punched like my dad had. Two in the jaw with his right and a jab in the torso with his left. It was an easy rhythm accompanied by the words "no fags in my house." 

At some point during the beating, Gabe scampered out of the room. Of course, I didn't notice this until Lucifer had lost all of his anger and left the room and me behind him. I was laying on the bed my eyes closed, I hoped the dark would soothe my bodies throbbing. While I was laying there, I picked my name out of the whispers from the hallway. 

"He cannot stay here." 

"He's our brother we have to help him." 

"Look we have been through this before. He needs to go before Luc is constantly violent."

"What are we gonna do? Kick the only good brother we have out of the only home we have?"

"Look we have to take care of us first, like Castiel always says." 


"No more taking shit." 

There was quiet for a little while until the door opened again to reveal a trembling Gabe with a wet washcloth. 

He was quiet as he washed the dry blood off my face I hadn't even noticed. 


I sucked in a breath. I knew what he was about to say.  I turned my head and looked at him. 

"Balth and I-" His voice cracked over the words, "We think you should go." 

I nodded and stood up, almost doubling over in pain. I stumbled towards my backpack and stuffed everything I would need for a week. I threw the bag over my shoulder and walked to the front door. Nobody followed to tell me to stop, not that I expected it. 

My hand touched the doorknob just as i heard Gabe squeak, "Wait." I turned and he handed me my trenchcoat. "I'll see you at school," 

I smiled weakly before continuing out to the street. 

The streets of Lawrence were empty and there was no one to call. Charlie was out of town with the only adult that would care, my social worker. I walked for a while and dialed her number anyway. It went straight to voice mail. I kept walking. 

I'd been walking for an hour when I reached the train tracks on the edge of town. I sighed. It was almost midnight and he was probably fast asleep in his perfect little home. I called him anyway. 

"Cas?" A worried voice greeted my ears. 

"Dean." My body relaxed with the sound. 

"Cas what's going on?" 

"Nothing I just wanted to talk to you about our English homework." I quickly made up a half-assed excuse. 

"Bullshit. No one talks about the homework at 11-" He stopped talking for a second, probably to check the time, "51 pm on a Friday. Maybe on a Sunday but it's Friday." 

I sighed and began unfolding my coat and refolding it. "Basically, I'm sitting on the train tracks cradling my wounds." 

He pulled away from the phone again and I heard muffled sounds of Dean rushing someone to the car. 

"Cas we are on our way." 

I tried to deny him but he wouldn't let me. To be honest I was glad. 

Dean's POV

Bobby, Sam, and piled into Bobby's Cheverollete Chevelle. I bit so hard down on my lip that when Sam touched my shoulder to stop me I tasted blood. "Why would he be injured on the side of the tracks, Sammy?" 

"Gabe says his brother, the one who is their guardian, had his suspicions about Castiel's sexuality." 

"Damn homophobes," Bobby grumbled from the front seat. 

It was a quick drive to the tracks and my seatbelt was off the second the headlights caught him. I jumped out and ran to him. He was sat on a log shivering in the cool autumn wind. His face was blue and purple and black and cut and scraped and he was wiping the blood off his chin that dribbled out. 

I drape my arms around him and hug him tight to me. He whimpers and I pull away. 

"I think I might have broken my ribs." He whispers and looks up at me. 

I cringe and lift one of his arms over my shoulder. He's shorter than me. He still can't seem to make it so I lift him into my arms.

I help him into teh backseat with my. As soon as we are buckled in I cradle is face gently in my hands. My forehead leans against his and my nose is touching his as well. I place easy kisses against his lips, one after another. Cas catches them. I taste the coppery taste of blood and I kiss harder. His upper lip is already swelling against mine so my kiss focuses on his lower. I suck a little bit and he moaned a little. My tongue sweeped agaisnt the inside of his cheek nad he shuddered from something besides the cold. 

My hands are careful against his thighs, like any wrong touch I make would hurt him. I pull away from the kiss to place another on his neck. I whisper into the damp area where a different bruise is forming on his neck, "I will protect you my angel." 

"Um boys?" Bobby looks back at us. "Should i take you two to a motel?" He raised an eyebrow,

Cas' already discolored skin was tinted pink. 

"Cas this is Sam my brother and Bobby, my well uh, my Bobby." 

"Ijit." Bobby rolled his eyes. 

"Bobby this is Cas my boyfriend." To be honest it was past time to make a commitment to the angel boy sitting next to me. 

To Be Honest; a Jock! Dean and Punk!Cas Destiel AUWhere stories live. Discover now