Broken skin

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Drip. Drip. Drip.
A slimy liquid seemed to land in small droplets on the right side of ambers temple, groaning she swatted away at the mysterious substains. Opening her eyes, the light that seeped into the cracks and metal pipes of the buss almost blinded her, groaning she pulled her arm to her chest and pain shot through her back, yelping she cried out for help but to no adval. She lay in a pile of crushed shards of glass.
Another, drip.

Confused she Tentivly touching her head it came back a dark shade if ruby, wiping it away with the soft skin if her wish she felt for a wound
She sighed in relif but it only lasted a second after laying her cheek against the cool ground and crackleing under the pressure if her face pressed against the bits of window.
Stiffening her thought brought her some where dark...
If that's not mine, whos blood..?

Turning around she pressed her lips together and came face to face with a set of still huanted eyes, squealing she pressed her self backward against the back cage
"Oh my lord" she whisper biting on the joint of her fingers, she could just make out the face if the man... Or was it a woman?
It didn't matter, with its skulls wide open like a split coconut and blood drips in the the cracks of the shattered windshield
"Janis..." She croaked her voice heavy and sounded like grinding gears
There was no reply, breathing deeply she turned over trying to ignore the pain in her upper back. She knew the feeling of a dislocated shoulder but now what not the time to whine. Grasping hands on the once grim fancing behind her she realized it was weak if her grip, swaying slightly agianst her weight. It was then she saw the bullet holes and her missing shot gun.
"Janis" she repeated, her voice calling out to silence, staggering forward she grasped the leather of the buss seat turning to come face to face with Janis
Or what was left
Glass tangled in mats of her grating short hair and cuts along the creases in her aging face. Dull brown eyes glued to the carpet, air bag deflated on her lap, Amber noticed how her seat belt had a death lock around the women's neck. Concluding that in her rush to not die she must have been strangled to death by the one the ment to save her.

The glassy Glazed eyes made Ambers skin crawl, she backed away almost as if her gut told her to leave what she assumed was the buss drivers corpse.

Stepping around the puddle of blood, Turning around on her heels her fingers curl into the small holes of the mesh, a body crunched over a grey leather seat, hands tapping agianst the metal floor.
Through ambers foggy mind she only slowly picked up in the fact of the blood that trinckled through the fence and the busted window, following the sticky red trail she saw a set of curly red ahair.
She said he name aloud this time
"Frany" her voice cracked and she griped the wires of the fence with blood smeared hands
Voice strong and stren this time she barked out "frany!" In responce a hand which sat in a puddle of internal blood, twitch.
Taking that as a good sign she shook the fence harshly not bothering to notice that the others were gone, that could be delt with after

"Get up!" She commanded and red hair swished every so slightly at ambers voice.
Franys hand this time tighten to a fist

It was a groan,
It was nothing special. Nothing scary
But at the sound, chills ran up ambers spine.
That's when she notice something
A second something.

Joining Franys moan was another, amber strained against the closed mental fence "hey" she called out a sickening feeling was stirring in the pit of her stomach it was then did franys body fall to the floor, starring amber dead in the eyes.

Franny's eyes was no more than two chips of white glass, her teeth are blood stains chips of broken bone, as if she had been chewing on glass and he nose was twisted and flattened to an odd angle like some one and used her face for door mat
Amber realized it was from the accident. And ignored the dread that made her skin crawl with franys fallen form, unmoving, unblinking
"Frany" she commanded "get up" frany's cold body was still and amber didnt think twice as she roughly shook the mesh fence.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2015 ⏰

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