Broken pleads

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"Micky I'm begging, please don't make me do this" ambers hands were clasped and her coworkers behind her snickered. They had the luck to work the counter soon to be herding in the wide eyed weaklings new to the prison seen. Fresh meat, the images called them.

Micky crossed her arms and shot her co-works a look through her grey eyes "forget about it this is your second time late this week" she snapped her fingers in ambers face "do I have to come to your house and shake you awake myself?" Amber didn't point out that she got caught up in the new News story on her tiny tv.
She would never have heard the end of that one.

Amber let out a groan and Micky narrowed her eyes arms still crossed upon her protective vest "come on amber, five inmates and one bus driver I only need you to watch them, they'll be chained, only a few snide remarks nothing you can't deal with"

This was her noses idea of a compliment, and amber nodded tartly and as her blonde headed boss escaped ambers presents and out through the arch way amber looked at the time

9:30, she had 4 hours to kill before her bus to the inventible arrived


Amber leaned erect on the stained grey slab of cement that in prisoners the crowding inmates that sat in cliques that resembled a middle school arua
A whole other prison altogether

Ambers thoughts broke through the surface as the women of all races,size and colour picked at the dull portions of their lunch, the blast of what seemed to be a basket ball game showed on the static tv over head, drowned out the noisy chatter

Whoops and howlers for offending teams drifted to the rafters and amber sighed, basket ball was for tall people and while she was small she could serve one hell of a kick, explaining her excellence at soccer all through out high school,
Suddenly a talked tattooed female found her way next to amber, curly hair hiding her brown eyes from security. She held a cart multiple brands of cleaning equipment adorn across it.

"Hello ann"
Said ann in question stopped and pasted amber a respectful nod, they new not piss the small brunet officer off, most of the inmates came with the clear name of tapmber as if for temper, but would be caught dead saying it to her face. No one is ever in the mood to deal with a vengeful female with the knowledge or making ones elbow become there shoulder

Amber was guarded well working, to her these people were nothing but no good out laws, who in small words, had yet to learn justice. She was loyal to her small town of southsvile California.
But of few people she didn't mind it was ann.
She made good company

"How's the job coming along" amber asked the short slightly plump, burnet haired female to her right, Ann swatted a grey gloved hand and huffed "2$ an hour" she sighed rolling her eyes brought obvious attention the the crowd of blue and purple skin and amber didn't question "better then Talking to the prison whores" amber raised an cute cut brow and ann shook her head

"Trouble with the roomies again ann" amber questioned and ann shoot her a look "better if I keep my trap shut"
And ann sighed placing the front of her palm to her forehead "fucking hell" she closed her eyes the blue and black blotches of bruises brought to the light by the flutter of her eye lids she sighed craving the remedy of Tabaco smoke "little mrs lucifer would have my head" she shot a look at amber "if inly it didn't feel like someone toke a jack hammer to it"

Amber looked her over, ignoring the dig at Lucy, the blond haired 5'9 female that was in her for armed robbery and murder, dispite the curly bright gold locks and endearing brown eyes the girl acted like she was resurrected from hell, it didn't surprise her that she did this to ann.
Ann may have been built big and could hold a fight, ann had the army

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