Part Fourteen

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Finally, we pull into the bowling alley parking lot. When we all climb out of the car, Evan goes directly to Emma's side, making everyone in the group whistle and cheer. I just stare at Emma longingly. Over the course of the two weeks that she and Evan were locked up in a house together, I tried to get over her. I just couldn't. Emma's like a new puppy. She comes through your door, and you can't forget that something so adorable is part of your life.
We walk into the bowling alley, and Evan walks off to go pay for the game. Tyler and the other guys run into the arcade, leaving just Emma and I standing there. She looks at me. "Should we go find a lane?," she asks. I nod, smiling as she giggles at me. "Well come on then," she says. Emma grabs my hand, causing sparks to fly up my arm, and drags me down the rows of lanes. We finally find one at the very end of the building, tucked kind of in a corner. "Perfect," Emma says, sitting down on one of the couches and unlacing her converse, replacing them with the flimsy rental bowling shoes. "This way nobody has an excuse to steal our couches," Emma says, lacing up the rentals. I laugh as I sit down beside her, pulling on my own bowling shoes.
After about ten to twenty minutes, the others join us. "There you are!," Emma exclaims. "Brock and I've been bored out of our minds waiting for you guys!" Evan chuckles and leans down, pecking her nose and making my heart twist.
"Sorry babe," Evan says. "Believe it or not we actually got caught up in the video games." Emma smiles and rolls her eyes.
"Well in that case it makes perfect sense," she says. Her statement causes Evan to raise his eyebrow in confusion. "You guys are obsessed with video games," she says. Evan sits down beside her and wraps his arm tightly around her waist, pulling her close to him.
"No I'm obsessed with you," Evan says, nuzzling her cheek. The other guys chuckle at them. I just sigh inwardly and roll my eyes. We get it Evan. She's cute, and she's yours. Don't need to make a huge production out of it.
Evan bowled first, only managing to hit one pin. When the rest of us laugh at him, he blushes and says, "I'm a hockey player, okay? I don't bowl." Emma was up after him, managing to bowl a strike first try, causing the rest of us to cheer. When Emma sits down next to Evan, she shakes her head at him. "What?," he asks her.
"Evan if I can beat you at something, that's just sad," she says. John and I laugh at that, and Tyler almost drops the bowling ball he's holding he's laughing so hard. We bowl for about three hours, and Tyler ends up winning. As we're walking out of the bowling alley, Tyler's still bragging about his win. With her hand on the car knob, Emma turns and looks at Tyler. "Tyler, if you don't shut up, I'm going to cram your ego down your throat." Tyler immediately stops and his eyes widen in shock. Emma's flat face turns into an amused grin and she laughs. "Got you," she says, climbing into the car. I smile and get in my seat behind her. "You guys want to go hang at my house?," Emma asks. We all cheer at the idea. I notice Evan grip his steering wheel tightly.
"Naw babe, we'll all just go hang at my house," Evan says. I roll my eyes. Typical over protective boyfriend. It makes me sick. Not only does it make me sick to think that that's what Evan's become, but it makes me sick to think that it's not me.

I lean over and whisper into Evan's ear. "Babe," I ask, "why don't you want the guys at my house?"
"You're mine," he whispers, making goosebumps crawl up my spine. "The last thing I want is the morons in your house and trying to take you from me when I like. . .go to the bathroom or something." I giggle, and he chuckles with me. "The point is," he says loudly, then he lowers his voice to a whisper again, "That's where you and I started. I'd like to think of it as my own special place for awhile."
"Okay then," I say to him, kissing his cheek. I swear I hear Brock growl, but I shrug, convinced I'd imagined it. We pull up in Evan's driveway, and we all leap out of the car. As soon as Evan and I are out of the car, Evan walks over and grips my hand, pulling us together. I smile. It's cute how protective he's being. I lean into his side slightly, and he kisses the top of my head.
We walk through the door, and Tyler and John immediately dive bomb one of the couches. Brock and Craig slide into the other one, and Evan and I join Marcel on the floor. "So how's school been?," I ask. John looks down at me, his Jason mask still intimidating to me.
"Boring," John says. "Not having you and Evan around has made it so. . .boring."
"You think they're still going to hang out with you idiots?," Tyler asks. We all look at him strangely. Tyler shrugs. "Correct me if I'm wrong," he says, "but I'm pretty sure that, after two friends start going out with each other, the last thing they want to do is hang around their loser friends." I growl in my throat, causing everyone to look at me.
"I had friends that did that," I say. "I annoys the crap out of me. That's the last thing I would do to people. Especially you guys."
"Same," Evan says, squeezing my hand gently. "Not the friend thing, like I didn't have friends that did that to me. But I hate the things that people made Emma suffer. I wouldn't do that to you guys." John looks at Tyler and laughs.
"Get schooled boy!," John says. Tyler glares at John and back hands him over the head. "Ow!," John exclaims, rubbing his head. "What the heck Tyler?!," John exclaims. "What was that for?!"
"For being stupid," Tyler says threateningly. Suddenly, there's a knock at the door.
"I'll get it," I say. I jump up and walk to the door. Opening the door, I'm met with a familiar face.
To familiar.
I scream and slam the door, then run back to the guys. I begin crying, and Evan holds me close as he gently asks who I saw. I try to speak, but I can't choke out the words.
"I'll go check it out," Brock says. As Brock's standing at the door,I can hear him talking to the person outside. "Just what do you think you're doing here?" I tremble at Brock's menacing voice. "You are not getting in this house. I suggest you leave, because this house if filled with guys ready to knock you down." At that, Marcel gets up to see who's there. Marcel comes running back and looks at Evan.
"It's Drey!," Marcel exclaims.

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