Tutor of the Year Everyone

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I couldn't budge from my spot in front of the door. All I could do was stare. Suddenly, I felt my feet moving, but I didn't feel as though I was moving them. I continued to walk towards the blonde boy, stopping when I got to his table.

"Hello, what's your name?" I felt myself ask.

Stupid! I thought to myself. He probably thinks you're some sort of creeper!

"Um, h-hello, my name is N-Niall," he stammered, obviously startled, "You're Harry, correct?"

"Yes that's right, how do you know who I am?" I questioned, I was seriously curious as to how he already knew who I was, I've never even spoken to him before!

"Well, everyone knows who you are. You're the best swimmer this school has, you're also in my art class."

"Oh, well thank you! But I'm really not the best on the team, they're all very talented." I felt myself turning red, "What are you drawing?" I asked, trying to get the attention away from myself.

I started to lean over to have a look, when he slammed his sketchbook shut quite quickly and very forcefully.

"Uh, nothing," he rushed, starting to pack up all of his things in his bag, "I'm sorry, but I really have to go. I'm supposed to help a student with something, and I'm going to be late. I-It was nice talking to you though, goodbye."

He seemed to almost run out of the coffee shop.

Well isn't this just fantastic, I've scared him away. Nice going you nugget!

I sighed and took a look at my watch.

Crap, I'm going to be late for my tutoring session.


I rushed into the library at exactly 2:00. I took a look around, it seemed deserted.

Where was I supposed to meet my tutor again?

Oh yeah, by the work tables and benches.

I made my way over to the tables. I turned behind the bookshelf and stopped dead. I was staring at someone who I definitely did not expect to see.

"Niall?" I whisper yelled, "You're my art tutor?"

"O-Oh, hi Harry," he jumped, "yeah, I guess so."

I sat down and we began awkwardly. Me, trying to draw something completely simple and failing; him, trying extremely hard to help a student who is hopeless.

"God, I'm awful at this," I sighed, putting my head in my hands, "Why am I even in this class if I can't even draw the simplest of things!"

"I'm not going to give up on you Harry." I heard Niall whisper. I don't think I was meant to hear that, but I still heard it. I looked up at him, a weary smile on my face as he cleared his throat.

"Well, I think that's enough for today, I guess I'll see you next week." he said quietly, picking up all of his books. As soon as I turned around I heard a loud thump and a groan. I quickly whipped my head around.

"What happened?" I breathed heavily, clutching my chest in surprise.

"Nothing, I just dropped my books is all." he bent down and began to pick them up.

"Here, let me help." I bent down as well, picking up a few of his textbooks. I began to look up to smile at him, but apparently he had the same idea, as when we looked up, our noses brushed against each other. I was startled to say the least, my breath hitched and I was turning a deeper shade of red every second.

But I just couldn't bring myself to look away from his eyes, bright blue, like the sky. The pattern in them reminded me of a snowflake, extremely unique and beautiful. I heard Niall gulp, which brought me out of my daze.

"Oh my gosh, Niall I'm so, so sorry," I breathed as I got up, "Um, I should go, I'll see you in class tomorrow." I got out of that library as quickly as I could.

What were you thinking?

You were thinking he was gorgeous.

Thanks brain, you've been such a big help today.

You know I'm always here for you Bud!

"I think I'm going insane."


Hi!! Sorry, I know I haven't updated in what seems like FOREVER, but I'm here now! So please tell me what you think of the story so far, and if you have any predictions for what might be coming for Narry. :)

QOTD - What did y'all think about that Lilo kiss hmmmm??? Real or nah?

AOTD - I think it was an accident but..... it still looked pretty real to me.

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