Chapter twelve

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Sorry it's taken so long to update, and I know you all have been waiting patiently for this chapter and I'm happy that you all have been so patient with me. So to make up for how long it's been I decided to post two new chapters: this one and the next one. :)

Hope you all are happy and will again wait patiently for my next update. 


Zack's P. O. V

I banged the front door open angrily and walked inside, letting the door shut behind me with a slam, my feet stomping on the ground as I made my way around my house.

"Kyle, Kyle, are you here?" I shouted anxiously.

I waited a bit to see if there was a response, but found none, only the silence that followed after my excessive yelling. I had at least hopped that he would have come back here and decide that it was a better option than whatever he was planning, but it was hopeless, he wasn't here.

"God dammit, why in the world did he do such a thing, jumping out of the car like that and running away. Looking to get himself killed. What if I had been driving fast when he did such a thing, reckless guy, and on a busy street at that."

I scratched the back of my head in frustration and walked over to the living room and flopped down on the couch, preparing for a night of staying up and worrying over where in the world he went off to, if he's okay, and what not.

Jeez, just look at me getting all worried over that guy. Like I'm his lover or something. I stilled at the thought. Wait, what? Me his lover? Nah...

Awkward silence hovered in the air around me and I shifted my position into a more comfortable one. I reached over to grab the remote and switched on the T. V, flipping through the channels till I reached a suitable show to watch.

I checked the time.


The sound of the front door opening had me jumping to my feet and racing over there, but disappointment overcame me when I found that it was not who I was waiting for. Instead it was just my mother and father who had come in through the door.

"Zack, why is the door unlocked? Please don't tell me you've had it unlocked like this all day?" Laura asked as she took off her high heels and placed them on the floor, my dad doing the same with his dress shoes.

"No it hasn't, I just got here not too long ago. But besides that, why are you guys just coming home now?" I asked noticing that they were wearing the same clothes as the day before. With all my worrying over Kyle I had forgotten all about them.

"Oh that, hahaha, your father here decided to get drunk out of his mind, and I myself was a bit tipsy, so instead of driving home we stayed at a hotel."

"A bit tipsy, more like wasted as well, you could barely stand up by yourself," my dad corrected and walked past me to head over to the kitchen.

"Your one to talk," my mother replied before following after him.

I looked at the door once more with a sigh and headed over to where they were and watched as they gathered the materials needed to cook, my stomach growling with hunger from the smell of cooking food. All that worrying has made me extra hungry and I could use some food to help calm me down as well.

"Zack, whatever happened to that boy you brought over yesterday. Did he go home already?" My mother asked as she stirred the pasta that was inside a pot on the stove.

It took me a while to answer as I carefully thought about what to say. I did not want to tell the truth about the matter and have her worrying over him just like I was; it would only make me feel guilty. Nor did I want my mother to act rash and try to do something about it.

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