The End | Gaara One-Shot

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Things can change when you grow older. People die, others learn to only hate, and some get on the fortunate side of things, where error is simply a joke. I never thought of my side, all I know is that I never fit into any of those categories. I was the weakened link in my group of 'friends', and despite their constant defense, I knew they never considered me part of their squad.

When I entered the academy at the age of seven, I was thought of differently. It just wasn't normal to enter at such an older age. According to the rumor mill, I was apparently, 'In company with the child monster', whoever that was.

The child monster. That name seemed to hold so much familiarity to it, and yet, it almost seemed cruel to call something that. Even though I constantly defended this person in my heart, I knew that I never wanted to meet this monster. So, when the warmest parts of Suna rolled around, where most outside creatures died of dehydration, I had never expected to meet this so called, 'Child Monster'.

It was barely dusk, and the rust colored tint of the sun awoken me to the yelling of children. I haven't been thinking of much, only contemplating how to get home without anyone's directions.




I tilted my head blankly towards the sounds, finding myself more curious than scared. As a child I feared little, but had the conscience to guide me around the rights and wrongs. Despite that, I felt no urge to turn and run, wherever home may be, as the children before me where swooped to the ground by sand. Instead, I did the exact opposite, and lifted myself carefully off the creaking swing that I had learned to like.

When I approached the boy, the first thing I took notice to was his hair. I knew him in my class, though I rarely conversed with many, I knew he sat alone on a side aisle.

His hair was an auburn color, which reminded me faintly of a substances I had yet to observe. His face was deathly pale, which confused me to know end, especially with the constant sunny weather. Around his seafoam eyes lay dark circles, visually making him look like a panda.

"Are you okay?" I asked emotionlessly, watching as he crouched to the ground in a fit of tears. His small hands clutched his heart almost painfully, making me move closer.

"It hurts...." he mumbled out, his voice just audible to hear. I couldn't tell if he was acknowledging me, or simply talking to himself, but only a moment later, he was staring straight at me.

"Are you okay?" I repeated, not changing my tone.

"Who are you?" he stared at me, almost scared. I had seen that look many times, once even by my own father, but never before had I received a look like his. My face softened in the slightest, and I struggled to remember his name.

"My name's Chihiro, or Chi for short. You're...." I paused, racking my mind, "Gaara, right?"

He nodded in response, confusion written over his small face. He intrigued me to no end, his looks, which resembled Rasa, his chakra, which was strong for his age, and of course, the words the kids had yelled at him.

It only took me moments to realize that the 'Child Monster' of Sunagakure was sitting right in front of me. I scowled slightly, that thought coming to mind, and held out my hand to the boy.

"You're the child monster, right?" I questioned bluntly, causing him to tense. I sighed in exasperation, and shoved my pale hand up against his face once more. This time, he took it, though that didn't stop me from noticing his hesitation.

"Why aren't you scared of me?" he asked, dodging my previous question. I frowned, glaring 'softly' at the auburn boy.

"You didn't answer my question. Are. You. The. Child. Monster?" I slowly repeated, treating him like a child; even if he was one. He stared at me in despair, almost pondering how to answer. "And don't lie, I don't like liers." I suddenly added, causing him to tense.

The End | Gaara Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now