The Ask

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Okay so I have decided that I am going to tell Sergio that I like him on Tuesday. I was supposed to tell him on Friday, but I chickened out I had the note all ready and set to go. I just didn't have the nerve to go and give the note to him. Esmi and Mariah got all freaked out when I told them what I was going to do, it we mostly Esmi that was shaking and stuff. I have no idea why Esmi started to shake though, because I was the one who was going to talk to him. She said that she was nervous for me,but she did not make sense that morning. Since I didn't have the nerve to talk to him and ran away from him like an idiot I am going to prepare myself on Monday to talk to him. The only reason I am going to prepare myself on Monday is because there is no school. It is Culumbus Day this is the LONGEST WEEKEND EVER! I hate to stay at home all I do is clean and listen to my mom yell at my brother. I tell my mom I want to go back to school and she says what you don't want to be with me. I think in my head and say that I don't, but I don't say that to her she will get really upset.
Sometimes she really does scare me,but most of the time it is my Lil brother who gets in trouble. I feel bad for him sometimes because he does deserve it most of the time. Well back to the subject when I go and ask him I want to do a formal ask,but when I think of it isn't he supposed to ask me it would be more romantic, but who cares it is my life. My friends who know that I like him which is Celeste, Ana, Mariah, and Esmi said that if me and Sergio ever get together that they will call us Serio I hated them when they said that I was so mad, but if you combine mine and Sergio's name together it can just be his name. Seriah+Sergio=Sergio do you get it? When they stoped laughing they started to ask if they can be braids maids and my maid of honor. I said I don't know why you all are going going so far into the future I am barley in Middle school. They said because me and him are most likely to get married I said that I haven't even asked him if he wants to be a couple yet. I even told them what if I don't even know you all when I am ready to get married we could drift apart. Celeste said that she will always be there I said we will see and the other girls just stared at me.
I wanted to tell him during passing period but when he walked by all we were doing was staring at each other until Celeste pushed me into him and I ran away in embarrassment. All he kept doing that day was stare at me and I am not making this up. All I kept doing that day was running away from him like an idiot. I would have walked up to him, but I was to scared to get rejected. On Tuesday it will be different because I have an extra day to prepare myself from embarrassment. Mariah finally got my number and I told her what I was going to do and she said that I was crazy. She said what would I do if I got hurt by what he said i said that it all depends on what he says. If I didn't have friends by my side I wouldn't ever tell anyone that I like them and I would be so lonesome. Well time for me to go I will make sure to tell you all what happens when I go and talk to him.

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