Erik's Sushi Situation

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I wrote this a while ago at like 3 in the morning. I can't even remember where the idea came from xD

I took the container of sushi out of the shopping bag and put it on the kitchen table. I couldn't wait for dinner tonight! Sushi was one of my favorite meals. In the mean time, I decided I would play with my cat, Fluffy.

"Here, kitty kitty kitty!" I called out, hoping she'd hear me and come running. Not that she ever actually did.... But one can hope, right?

I found her in the living room, sitting on the couch next to Erik, trying to get his attention by butting her head against his leg. He was too busy rifling through a box to notice her. I scooped her up in my arms (despite her protests) and fluffed her fur playfully.

"Whatcha got there?" I peered over into the box, still clutching my struggling cat.

"Some of Jareth's magic stuff.... He dropped it off earlier, said something about how if his girlfriend knew about it he'd be dead, then left."

"You're not actually planning on hiding it, are you?" I asked skeptically. Jareth's girlfriend happened to be my best friend. No way was I going to let Erik help him hide something.

"No. I'll run it back over later when they're not home. They'll come back to a surprise for them on the porch," he smiled mischievously. "I'll just set it on the counter for now. I have a song to get back to."

"Oooh, I wanna hear!" I dropped Fluffy and followed him upstairs.


Finally, my human let go of me! I couldn't wait to explore this new box that had entered my domain! Boxes are my favorite! So are papers. And pillows are my favorite too! But especially boxes. I sat down for a moment to groom myself- I had to look extra nice for the box. Then I waddled into the kitchen. Or at least, waddling's what my human calls it when I move. All my words I learned from her, so I guess maybe that must be the right one.

There it was, in all of its splendor and glory! The box! I hopped up onto the counter and sniffed around. Uh-oh... There was a problem! My box had things in it!!!! Hmmmm...... Maybe I could take some of the things out of the box and put them on the table! Then I could sit in my box! The things in the box were all little bottles and stuff. They fit in my mouth to carry over pretty easily! I set them down next to my human's food. I also opened up the food and ate a bit.... But that's beside the point. I set just enough of the things next to the food that I could sit in my box now! Maybe I accidentally knocked over some of the bottles and things spilled out of them and on to the food too, except that doesn't really matter. I sat in my box until I heard my human's mate's footsteps coming to the kitchen. I had to jump down because he always yells at me when I'm on the counter.


As soon as it hit 6:00, Erik ran down to grab a sushi roll and head out the door with Jareth's magical box. I went down to eat soon after. Strangely, the box was still there. I laughed to myself. Erik sure was going to be frustrated when he arrived, only to find he'd left the whole reason he was going at home! It seemed he'd also forgotten to eat one of his sushi rolls, as it was still sitting on a plate on the table.

"That's odd...." I said aloud to no one in particular. "This one's not the same as the others..." And it wasn't. The one on the plate had a different looking type of meat in it, and the rice was slightly more yellow. It looked... fancier.

"Erik thought he could take the fancy piece all for himself, huh?" I laughed. "Well the joke's on him!" I took a small bite, meaning to savor the fancy sushi for as long as I could. Something about it tasted..... off. Like, off in the kind of way Mrs. Lovett's pies do sometimes, when she doesn't put enough of the right seasoning. Who knew sushi and meat pie shared the same spices? I set the piece of abnormal sushi back on the plate and grabbed the container of good ones. I sat on the couch and waited for Erik to return. And waited. And waited. I turned on Netflix and watched Supernatural. Then I waited some more. When it got dark, I started to worry. Jareth's place wasn't that far away. It should have only taken him ten minutes to drive there and back! I should call and see if he stayed to visit or something. I picked up the phone and dialed.

"Hey Jareth, is Erik still there?"

"What do you mean, still? He never was here," Jareth laughed. "Get your tenses right."

"Will you come over and do a tracker spell or something....? He left to go to your house HOURS ago and he still isn't back. He hasn't called or answered my texts or anything......"

"I guess," he moaned. "Alright, where was the last place you know for sure he was?" In a flash of glitter, Jareth was standing next to me.

"Right there. He got out that plate and put the sushi on it," I pointed.

The goblin king snapped his fingers, causing footprints to appear on the ground.

"According to this spell, he walked around the kitchen, and hasn't left this spot since. See? His footsteps lead to the table, but there isn't a set leading from the table." He poked around the kitchen for a few minutes. "OH NO!!!!!!!!" He suddenly kicked the chair. "Oh no, oh no, oh no......" He muttered.

"What??? What is it?" I jumped back, surprised by his outburst.

"The box of potions that I sent over. They've been scattered around the table. One of them was spilled, by the looks of it." He picked up a bottle. "It must have landed on the piece of sushi you said he ate. This potion is made to be mixed with food, and what it does is turn you into whatever you ate it with...... Erik is the sushi on the table there. Since you seem unaffected, it must not have landed on your portion."

I paled. "You mean I- I......... OH MY GOSH I ATE ERIK!!!!!!! I ATE A BITE OF ERIK!!!!!!!!!!" I collapsed to the ground, unable to hold back my sobs. I was too overcome with emotion to see Jareth change him back, but somehow he did, as soon Erik's arms were around me.

"I'm so sorry!!!!!!!!!" I sobbed into his shoulder.

"Relax..... It's not like you knew it was me. And what matters is that you didn't eat me, right?"

"I guess it's a good thing you don't taste good," Jareth smirked.

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