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A/N: That is my kitty Fluffy in the media. She's made enough appearances that I figured it was time for a picture. Another late night/early morning idea.

Fluffy was extremely bored. Her toys were no fun. She'd already eaten all of her food. Log_Lady was too busy outside visiting with Sam to pet her. She couldn't nap because Raoul had set his drink in her basket, and she couldn't get his attention and make him move it because he had headphones on and was reading. What else could she do?

Suddenly, she smelled something. Something new. It smelled fun. She followed the smell to the kitchen. Dean was there! She liked Dean because sometimes Castiel was with him and Castiel always pet her and understood her. But there was no Castiel..... Just Dean, probably looking in the fridge for pie. The new fun smell was coming from Dean. From his pocket....... Fluffy tried to climb up Dean's leg to get to his pocket. Why isn't it working? Oh yeah..... I'm..... What's the word....... "De-clawed"......

"What do you want, cat?" Dean looked down at her.

Fluffy tried to say 'I want what's in your pocket, it smells fun!' but all that came out was "Meeeooow!" Even though she tried, she couldn't speak human.

"I don't know what meow means, cat. You want me to pick you up or something?" Dean grabbed his pie with one hand, the cat in the other, and sat down on the couch next to Raoul.

Fluffy was very happy about the development! Now that he was sitting, she could get into his pocket! She wriggled out of his arms and stuck her mouth in his pocket, pulling out a small bag of.... Something. Dean didn't even notice. This was the thing with the fun smell! She chewed the bag open and licked the inside. It didn't taste good at all.... But she could still take it and play with it! She picked the bag up in her mouth and started off to find something to do with it.

I don't like the taste, but what if humans do? I can try and see if Raoul likes it!

Fluffy poured the powder into Raoul's drink and waited for him to take a sip.
He took one. He didn't seem to think it was bad, because he took a few more after that. Satisfied with her work, Fluffy set off to nap on Erik's keyboard.


"Hey man, what'cha reading?" Dean smirked. He liked pestering Raoul. A lot.

Raoul held up the book for Dean to see the title, not even bothering to look up from it.

"Wuthering Heights, huh? Can your brain even understand that complicated stuff?"

Raoul didn't answer, turning his music up so he couldn't hear Dean.

"Huh. Okay then. You...... Do that." Dean took another bite of pie.

A few more minutes of this went by before Dean got tired of it. He wanted more pie, anyway. This time he didn't bother with a plate and just took the whole tin. He was met with a very strange sight upon re-entering the living room. Raoul had abandoned his headphones and book and was..... Taking his shirt off?

"Woah, dude, what are you doing??"

Raoul spoke in a loud, over dramatic voice. "The people need me! I have to save them!" He threw his shirt to the floor and looked around in confusion. "Where is..... My bat suit?"

"Your bat suit?" Dean scoffed. "You're joking, right?"

"Justice is no joke!" Raoul boomed.

"So what...... You're Batman?"

"Of course I am!" He looked offended. "And I'll bet YOU stole my bat suit! Are you working for The Joker or something???" Raoul pointed at Dean accusingly.

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