"Now, Karra"

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As I walk into my living quarters, which is just a small room with a bed, a dresser, and a small house plant from home. An alarm goes off meaning we're under attack. My friend Matt runs into my room suited up in battle armor.

"We have to go, now!" I rush to put on my battle armor.

"Now,Karra," He says. By the way my name is Karra. The floor begins to shake and the alarm rings louder than before.

We ran down the hall to the closest window and watched as our old training center was destroyed. The air seal was damaged. Many Elders flew out of our carrier and were killed by the SeriXes.

Our team leader, Arizel, approached us and ordered us to our battle stations.

My station is next to where the old training center was. It was supposed to be the safest place on the carrier.

The SeriXes had out numbered us greatly and were quickly approaching. I couldn't just sit around while my friends and family were being attacked!

I launched my shuttle into the sky and destroy many of the SeriX shuttles from behind. A shuttle began to shoot at me from behind, but I easily dodged its attacks. Out of nowhere, a large ship was about to crash into my home.
'Not on my watch!' I thought.

I quickly moved in from of the ship and rapidly fired at it. It stops it's attack on my home and starts to attack me, in turn I distract it while my home ship escapes and I am left behind. 'Where's a escape plan when you need one.' I think bitterly to myself as the SeriX shuttles surround me.

Epic Cliffhanger, right?

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