Nalu~ The Necklace

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This is not a lemon... sorry :( I just thought of this and really really really, wanted to write it so...yeah. Commenting will remind me that i have to make a new Lemon/Oneshot. I will Need all The reminders that I can. Most of the time I am stuck in a pit of Nalu, Just reading, and reading, and reading until 9 in the morning. right now I am writing this at 9:50 in the morning with no sleep sooooo.... YUP! I REALLY REALLY NEED SOME COFFEE, OR SOME SLEEP.

Oh and the song at the top has nothing to do with the Oneshot. I was just listening to it when I was writing this. And it is one of the songs that I am obsessed with right now. :)

BUT ANYWAY! I hope you enjoy.~


Lucy P.O.V

Depression, that is what people would call the deep hole that I am in. No one ever warned me that this would be so hard. They never told me that Love could be this hard. No one ever warned me that I would fall in love with him.

Before I even knew what was happening I was already in to deep. The way that his smiles always light up my day. The way that he would always call me Luce and not just plain old Lucy. The way that he is always around me.... Well, was. Not until I told him about how I felt.

~Flashback.... kind of?~

After a day of working, we were both lounging at my apartment, Happy back at the guild perusing his female cat companion. Me being tired and thinking it was the best at the time, I put on one of the many Movies I had. Natsu seemed like he would like hero movies so I put on a random Batman movie. Not a big fan, but it seemed like he was enjoying the movie enough. Seeing him smile from time to time made me happy and made my heart flutter.

As the movie ended I caught attention to how he was looking at me, like he wanted to say something. But I quickly beat him to the punch. "Ummmm....Natsu. you know how we are friends and all." He nodded, a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "Well sometimes, no, most of the time I feel like we could be more than that." I paused for a second not looking at him to prevent myself from exploding in embarrassment. " What I am trying to say is that I like you. Maybe even love you." words were just spilling out of my mouth. I never looked up, in fear of what Natsu face would look like.

After a minute of silence I looked up to see the weirdest expression on Natsu's face. Not anger, Not happiness, Not anything.... Hopeful. Just a look of being scared.

Natsu swiftly got up and opened my window, looked at me, whispered a bye, and left. He just left with nothing other than a 'bye' . He just left me to deal with the fact that he doesn't love me back, and all he says is 'bye?'

By the time that my brain is processing this, I could tell I was crying. The quiet sobs that escaped my mouth, even though I was trying to control them wouldn't stop. The tears that flowed down my face even after I have tried to wipe them up. Later I just stopped tying to wipe up my tears and stifling my sobs. I was pitiful, and in order for my neighbors to not know how much of a depressing state I was in I closed and locked my window. Slowly walking to my bed I landed face first into my pillow and cried my heart out that night.


Now three days later I haven't gotten any better. Though the fact I have stopped crying would be an upside, but I think me crying would be better than my gloomy Zombie mode I am in. I'm not eating or drinking, I don't feel like it. I haven't been to the guild, I also don't feel like it. Haven't left my house. I haven't changed out of my pink fluffy, long sleeve pajamas yet. And I haven't taken any sort of bath.

To sum it up, I look like a mess.

Today I am finally going to take a bath. A nice warm long bath. Stripping, I slowly sunk myself into my bath enjoying how the bath made my skin tingle. After a few minutes I was interrupted by a nock at my door. Getting out of my bath I put on my panties, my bra, and out of pure laziness, I just threw on a giant pull over that goes down to my knees.

Opening the door I was unpleasantly surprised to see Natsu. "Hey." He said before I started to shut the door on him. "Whoa." he put his foot in the way of the door, blocking it from closing all the way.

"What do you want Natsu. I think you have done enough to me." My voice coming out as a whimper as I tried to push the door shut. But of coarse my strength didn't match his as he pushed the door open with one of his hands.

"Luce I am coming in even if you don't want me to." He huffed still using the special name he gave me. Knowing that he wasn't going to go away, I stopped pushing on the door and let him in. Strutting through the door, he sat down on my couch, fidgeting with something in his hands.

Shutting the door behind him I sat at the other end of the couch, trying, very, very hard, to not be near him. "What do you want Natsu?" my voice came out a little harsh, but at this point I didn't care. He COMPLETELY ignored my confession, left me here in my apartment to grief for three days, He came back, and in the process he totally messed up my bath. So sorry that I wasn't so thrilled to see him.

His head turned to mine. His eyes boring into mine, seeping into my soul. "What Is your problem Lucy?" His voice was like a smack to the face, Stinging my eyes as I finally lost it.

"What is my problem?! What Is my problem!" My eyes stung with tears as I started to rant my heart out. "Really? Are you really gonna ask me that question after all you have done to me!? First you silently reject me, then you leave me here to grief for three days! Three days Natsu! Three Fucking days!" I couldn't stop crying, it was just all coming out. I couldn't see Natsu's face because of all my tears, so I had no idea what Natsu's next move was. "And on the day that I stop crying, You finally show up, just to make me cry again-" I was cut off when Natsu suddenly hugged me, shoving my face into his clothed chest. The warmth radiating off of him slowly calming me down, and bringing me back to my senses.

"I am so sorry." I heard him breath out. " I am sorry, I am sorry, I am so, so sorry. I never knew that you would take me jumping out of a window so hard." I could hear him sob as he took a breath. "After you told me that you Loved me, I was so surprised that I didn't know what to do with myself. With the three day thing, I was out trying to find the best gift for you. And this is what I found."

I looked up to see him holding a necklace with a cute little key on it. My eyes widened at the sight of it. "so Luce." Natsu says as he put the necklace on me. "Will you do the honors of being my girlfriend?" My teary eyes became clouded with even more tears as I franticly nodded my head yes.

"Yes Natsu. I would Love to be Your Girlfriend."

His smile shown like a star in the night, as he suddenly smashed his lips on mine. Shocked at first, but I slowly melted into the kiss. Both of us needing air, we parted from the kiss. "Natsu." I said in a now more confident voice. "I Love You."

"I Love You Too Luce."

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!! GO NALU!!!!!! -mizukichan101

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2016 ⏰

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