A Prophecy

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A sigh left my lips as I stared out the window of the rickety old bus. Children complained and adults argued as the bus made its way down an empty dirt road. We should be arriving soon. Where? I honestly have no idea. You see, thanks to my stupidity, I got on a plane without researching its landing point. It dropped its passengers off in a destination still unknown to me and flew away before I could properly assess my situation. Seeing as the next plane didn't arrive for another three days, I had no choice but to catch the bus that also had an unknown destination. All I do know is that I've been on this bus for four straight hours and I was severely annoyed.

I tried to calm myself by staring at the darkened forest that surrounded us, but to no avail. It only sent shivers down my spine due to my imagination forcing me to think of all the horrid creatures that could be lurking in the shadows, unbeknown to the occupied passengers traveling by. I tapped my fingers on my thigh and moved my gaze to a small family that sat a row ahead of me. The mother was lulling her baby to sleep while holding her tightly against her breast and the father was playing I Spy with their young son. A small smile crept onto my plump pink lips as the boy whined at his father for cheating. I watched as the mother sighed and stood carefully, as to not fall, and make her way to me.

"Do you mind if I sit here? I'm afraid Nathaniel is being too loud and I can't get poor Quinn to sleep.." She gave me a slightly pleading look and gently rocked the baby in her arms.

"Of course you can! You have beautiful children Ms.." I faded out, waiting for a name.

"Ella is my name dear." Ella smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. She seemed friendly and easy to get along with. Thank god.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ella. I'm Elpida.." I mumbled, hoping she wouldn't comment on my odd name.

"Are you Greek? I wonder from your appearance, but your name is "hope" in Greek, is it not?" I was shocked that someone actually understood my name for once and stared at Ella in awe. I mean, my appearance can be a give away sometimes with my slightly tanned skin and long dark brown hair that reached my waist. The only off thing about me is my eyes.

"And may I ask about your eyes..?" She questioned bashfully. "They're so beautiful. I've never seen anything like them.."

I blinked my lavender, yes.. lavender, eyes and shrugged. "I was born with them. Not even the doctors could tell us why."

Ella nodded and we easily eased our way into a deep discussion about anything and everything. We talked for two hours before the bus driver notified us of our arrival. I, along with the rest of the riders, peered out our windows, trying to get a glimpse of our final destination. Confusion crossed everyone's faces and I quickly gathered that something wasn't right. A group of five men boarded our bus and everyone froze. I couldn't move in utter shock. Not only were these men just drop dead gorgeous, but they all had glowing red eyes.

"It must be contacts." Someone from the back mumbled.

I low chuckle sounded from the men and my body convulsed in fear. Something wasn't right with them.. I could feel it.. Something sinister and ungodly. They each raised their lips, exposing sharp fangs where their teeth should be, and growled before pouncing on the driver and the closest humans. Screams erupted from everywhere and all at once everyone jumped up and dashed to the back of the bus, trying to escape the monsters.

"Brad!" Ella screamed in horror as one of the men grabbed the man and bit into his neck. "NO!" She screeched while struggling against my restraining arms. Her son Nathaniel was next to me and whimpered in fear.

"Ella your children!" I shouted while tugging her arm along with Nathaniel's trying to push my way through the mass of panicked people. We struggled forward as blood sprayed everywhere and screams of fear and agony raised up.

When we finally reached the back I noticed that there were only seven of us left. I noticed that there was no door at the back and we were all trapped inside. I turned, hiding Ella and her children behind me, as the men ripped the bolted seats out of their way to make more room for them. Nathaniel hugged my legs while Ella buried her sobbing form against my back. The other remaining passengers pressed themselves against the back wall and cowered from the men's glowering looks.

"Please..." A man whimpered. "Spare us..." His plead was cut short as a knife suddenly lodged itself in his throat, spurting blood all over us.

Another man slowly entered the bus and walked to the front of the men. I gaped at his beauty. He had the most dazzling blue eyes with streaks of gold in them and his black hair was messy and hung over his eyebrows. He face and body seemed to be chiseled from the finest marble and I couldn't help but notice the perfect shape of his lips and nose.

"Take the children." He ordered and Ella immediately shoved Quinn into my arms then stepped in front of me.

"You won't touch a hair on their heads." She spat right before one of the men reached out and snapped her neck. I wailed and fell to my knees as her lifeless body fell to the side next to Nathaniel. I tucked him under my arm and hugged Quinn tighter to my chest.

"Kill the others." The man ordered, motioning to the remaining two behind me. Nathaniel buried his face in my shoulder as screams erupted from behind us. "As for you. Give me the children."

"No." I glared at him then felt Quinn and Nathaniel being ripped from my arms. "NO!" I screeched and lunged towards the man that currently held them. Nathaniel smiled at me as the man snapped his neck. I stared at his body in shock and confusion. How could this be happening? I must be dreaming.. This can't be real.. I looked up in time to see two monsters sucking blood from Quinn's pale body then dropping her next to her brother.

A scream of despair and rage ripped through my throat and sobs racked my body. The man lifted me to my feet and wiped away my tears.

"There there mou polytima. Do not fret." He cooed. "You're safe as long as you're told glykó bloded éna." I shivered in fear as the man stroked my cheek and stared at me longingly. "Take her." He grinned.

I was thrown over someone's shoulder as I continued to sob loudly. The man carried me off of the bus and across a yard before we entered what appeared to be a lavish mansion. Everything went black suddenly and I blinked only to see a different scene. We were now in a lush and expensive looking bedroom with a king sized bed and even a chandelier. I was sat on the edge of the bed as my vision continued to get blurry and spotted. I felt myself grown dizzy and I gratefully succumbed to the sleep the gnawed at my body.

"glyká óneira , i̱ elpída mas."

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2013 ⏰

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