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Hinata- Hi Hinata here and Naurto of course. Why not~? Anyway Naruto has a little A/n for you guys but after that we can straight on with the story!

Naruto- (SPOILER) This takes place right after Naruto find out that his master, Jiraiya (A.K.A. Pervy Sage) has been killed by the leader of the Akatsuki...

Hinata- Buuut Naruto somehow manages to travel back in time, well to a whole new dimension it seems where he does not possess Nine Tailed Fox (or does he) and his Parents are still alive. everything changes just about. Got anything left to say Naruto?

Naruto- No that about wraps it up!

Hinata- Sorry about what happened to Jiraiya....

Naruto- He died while trying to protect the Leaf, even though there is this sadness... He protected the Leaf until the end

Hinata- *kisses Naruto on the cheek* I'm sorry

Naruto- *Kisses Hinata's forehead* Don't worry about it

Naruto/Hinata- Enjoy the story~!

//End of A/N//

Naruto sadly walked out of Lady Tsunade's office, after finding out about Jiraiya's death. Naruto often thought of the Pervy Sage as a fatherly figure, so it was as if he found out his father had passed away. He walked through the village, hands in his pockets, looking down at the stones he walked on, he stopped in front of Ichiraku Ramen, he saw Teuchi, who noticed Naruto, "Hey there Naruto! You up for some ramen?" Naruto Slightly looked up, with a grim expression on his face.

" N-Not right now... I'm sorry..." Before Teuchi could question what had Naruto down, Naruto rushed off somewhere to be alone. After a while he found himself at the Memorial Stone. "So they haven't gotten to putting Pervy Sage's name in yet..." He walked off and found himself near a river, where he walked near the edge and stared into the water. After a minute or two, Naruto looked up and noticed something gleaming in the water,

"Huh? What the heck is that?" Naruto walked over to the odd item, which was a three bladed kunai. Naruto flipped it over to see if there was anything special about it, when he looked closely at it, there was an inscription on the kunai. As he looked closer, he felt a sense of dreariness come over him, as he stumbled backwards, everything around him started going dark.

----The Past (Day of Team Creations)----

" Naruto if you don't wake up now you will be late for class!" A strong female voice was heard from downstairs. Naruto stirred a little before he sat up fully but not fully awake. Rubbing his tired eyes he looked at his strange but new surroundings, a bedroom?

He jumped out of bed and onto the cold floor with his bare small feet. Wait small feet!?! Naruto looked at himself in a mirror and almost passed out at his reflection. He looked way younger then he should look. He looked around the age of twelve, the age he graduated from the Academy.

" Naruto are you up yet?!" Naruto got himself dressed in his clothes, and tied his headband on his head, and slowly approached his door. What was he to find beyond it?

" Well... Guess I won't find anything out if I just stand here all day!" Naruto slowly opened his door and headed down a staircase, where he peeked his head out from a corner, where there was a woman with bright pink hair and a man that looked like... The Fourth Hokage?! The woman noticed Naruto and spoke to him.

" Well it's about time you're up and out of bed! You've got to eat because today is the day your teams are picked! Aren't you excited?!" Naruto went over to the woman and spoke quietly,

" Y-Yes, this will be a great day.." The man looked at Naruto and smiled.

" Don't be nervous son! You'll end up having a wonderful team! And also, remember as soon as you are done, you need to head back here, us three will be taking a family photo together!" Naruto tried to act like he understood what was going on.

" Alright.. Dad, I'll make sure to." Naruto sat down at the table and ate his food and was sent off to the academy to find out his team. Naruto was still very puzzled at what was going on. Was it a dream? Was he knocked out or something? Who were those people claiming to be his parents? Were they really his parents?

" Naruto watch-" Some tried to warn him but it was to late as Naruto walked right into a pole when he was deep in his thoughts. Naruto fell backwards and then put his hands over his head.

" Owww...." He heard the person laugh a little bit. Naruto looked up to see Hinata giggling slightly trying to hide a blush.

" What are you laughing at?!" Naruto gets up quickly and looks at Hinata and laughs a little bit. Hinata asks Naruto.

" W-were you heading to the Academy now?" She asked him softly.

"Yeah I am, want to walk together there Hinata?" Hinata's eyes widen as she blushed madly but she nodded slightly accepting his offer. Hinata followed alongside naruto all the way to the Academy before they went their separate ways to take their seats. Naruto sat by Kiba and put his head down on the desk to try and understand what was going on, he thought to himself, "There had to be something... Something about that kunai.. I can't recall what that inscription said, maybe this is all just a genjutsu! After this I will try to break it" Naruto heard a loud voice that interrupted his thoughts.

" Okay class! Today is the day that you will all find out what teams you will be put on!" Naruto recognized that voice from anywhere, it was Iruka-Sensei! Naruto listened carefully, waiting for his name to be called....

"Okay now, team 8 will be announced, listen up! First member! Hinata Hyuga! Second is Naruto Uzumaki! And lastly, Kiba Inuzuka! The jonin that will lead this team will be Asuma Sarutobi!" Naruto stood there puzzled, puzzled why he was not with Sakura or Sasuke. This time he was with Hinata and Kiba.

Hinata had a massive blush scattered across her face as she looked away. On the inside of her brain she was doing laps crying tears of joy to be on Naruto's team. Kiba on the other hand was talking to his dog Akamaru.

" Well Akamaru, I guess we got a reasonably good team, Naruto is gonna be a pain I'll bet... But we'll do this! Right Akamaru?!" Akamaru barks in agreement.

" Guess we will get started tomorrow... but this still does not explain how I managed to go back in time..." Naruto mumbled to himself.

" I'm so happy about my team... It's like a dream to be on Naruto's team and Kiba is very nice so we should get along!" Hinata smiled to herself.

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