Chapter One

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I don't know why I'm here. Or why I even stayed. I should've just told the court to put me in foster care. Would've been a lot happier there. My grades wouldn't be suffering so much either.

"Alex! ALEX!"

I snapped awake.

"Huh? What is it!?"

"God, took you long enough. Mom wants you downstairs." My obnoxious stepbrother said to me.

Stepmother, by the way. She wasn't and never will be my mom. I despise that devilish woman. She was the cause of all the horrible things in my life. I wish dad never met her - let alone married and brought her into our lives. We were so much better-


I lost my train of thought and looked up at the Wicked Witch of the West.

"Yes, Penelope. May I assist you?" I say flatly.

"Lose the 'tude, kid. And yes, I need you to go pick up Brian's soccer uniform from the cleaners."

I stare at her - partially infuriated.

"Why can't Brian go pick up his shit? He has a car. Why do I have to do this?" I snapped.

"Hey! Watch the way you're talking to me," she retorted, "and Brian is watching his favorite show right now and therefore, is busy."

I scowl at her.

"Are you kidding!? You stopped me from working on my future to go get this kids stinkin' uniform because he's watching tv which has no importance what so ever!" By the end of my rant, my voice had nearly raised to a yell.

"I will tell you this one last time, Alex. You better watch the way you talk to me or I will get the ropes. Go get your brother's uniform now. You no longer have a choice."

I walk away muttering,

"It's not like I ever did."

I pull up at Dan's Cleaners and get out of my car right as some kids from school were leaving.

"Oh, look it's lil' Alex. How's your mom Alex, oh wait I forgot - she's dead!" He lets out a loud chuckle.

"Oh! I got one - Alex what ever did happen to you dad, huh? He just disappear or did he get killed just like your mom?" He said, never dropping his gaze.

I clench my jaw and ball my fists. I can't let them get to me. I break their gaze and walk past them into the store.

"Bye, baby Alex. Hope you get reunited with your parents soon!" The dimwit cackles again.

I wish my life was simple. I wish my parents were still here..

When I was 10, my mom was killed in a car accident. 

Correction: it was no accident. 

She was at a stop light, leaving the store and this 18-wheeler drove right into the hood of the truck, my mom was pronounced DOA. The driver was later discovered to have been highly intoxicated at the time. Mom never had a chance.

Three years later was when dad meet Penelope. She started off as a nice woman who just wanted to support my dad. Or have my dad support her; they had my little sister, Madison, when I was 14 and after my 15th birthday, they were married. Shortly after the honeymoon, my dad had to leave on business for a few weeks. He promised me and Maddie he would come home.


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