Chapter 4 - Old Rules

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Jack woke up in the middle of the night. He didn't remember going to sleep, he just remembers the movie then not being scared any more. It was like something had been there that protected him from anything evil in the world and from everything that tried to hurt him. Little did he know, it wasn't something, it was someone.

He tried to sit up but felt a strong arm over his waist. He turned over on his other side to see Mark. What was he doing here?! Why was I with him?! Jack was shocked for a moment until he looked at Mark's sleeping face. His long, steady breaths and the rise and fall of his chest. Jack could smell Mark's cologne that he was wearing. Hopefully he didn't smell like that in the morning. When Jack saw Mark he felt a sense of calm and belonging, like he wanted to stare at him forever and never look away.

Jack gave Mark a small peck on the nose, not expecting for his eyes to flutter open.

"W-What are you doing?"

"Uh, I um..." Jack's face flushed, "What are YOU doing here?" Jack picked up Mark's arm and stood up, dropping it by his side.

Mark remembered the movie and Jack curling up by his side. "Hey, you were the one that got scared and kept scooting closer to me." He sat up and dropped the blanket on the floor. "And then you fell asleep on my chest, I was being nice by not saying anything. I didn't want to wake you up either, you're welcome."

Jack rubbed the back of his neck. "Well I'm glad nobody saw us, especially my parents."

Mark looked over to the clock, "Who would see us? It's 3:00 in the morning."

"Well keep your voice down! I don't want anybody to know what happened or see us awake in the middle of the night!" Jack picked up the blanket and wrapped it around himself. He sat on the couch and buried his face in his knees. Mark couldn't bear to see Jack like this, all he wanted to do was be there to comfort him and make him feel happy and safe. He put his hand on Jack's shoulder, but he shook it off. "No, it's wrong. It's against the rules. It's bad."

Mark took Jack's hands in his. If he could be a Demon and just over one night care for him so much, why couldn't he like him back? It's what Angels are supposed to do, love. But they're supposed to follow rules. If they can't love whoever they want, what's the point of loving at all?

Jack looked over at Mark and stared with longing into his chestnut eyes, "Why is this so right, but so wrong? Why did God make me this way if it's so bad?"

"It's not bad, it's ok. Nobody here knows God himself, and why are we listening to a book written 2,000 years ago when we should be moving forward for the better? How do we know God just snapped his fingers and there was man when we have science to prove we evolved? That's not saying God isn't there, but that he guided us in careful evolution to where we are today, we don't have to dwell on rules of the past."

Jack grabbed the back of Mark's neck and kissed him deeply. Mark was of course shocked at the gesture but melted in to the kiss, eyes fluttering closed. They kissed for a few seconds until Jack pulled back for air.

"Mark, for a heartless Demon you sure knew how to steal mine." Mark laughed and pulled Jack in for another passionate kiss. They both lay back down in each others' arms, Mark being the big spoon and Jack the little one, legs intertwined and bodies close together. Mark gave Jack a gentle kiss on the top of his head as they both slipped into a soft, sound sleep.


Sorry if it seemed they fell in love really quick, but I just wanted to show how in one night Mark could go from absolutely hating Jack to loving him to create kind of a special bond. This chapter did cover a few religious topics so if these offended you I'm sorry but I put a warning at the beginning of the book. This chapter was also a little short but I feel like it was enough to get the point across.

Anyway, thank you guys so much for reading and if you liked it PUNCH that vote button in the face, LIKE A BOSS! And I will see all you fangirls IN THE NEXT CHAPTER!


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