Tug and Pull (1)

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Castiel's POV:

Castiel Novak stood behind the familiar, pale, yellow counter. He fiddled with the pen and notepad he had on his fairly clean apron. Days like these were boring. Throughout the hours, a couple of people passed through. Some ordered coffee while others went the whole nine yards; appetizers, main course and even dessert. Now this was no fancy restaurant. No. Far from it. It was a decent sized place. Cushioned seats, a booth, chairs--Nothing fancy. Everything was just..Normal. Even the people. Usually brown haired and eyed. Not Castiel though. His shockingly beautiful blue eyes could almost stare into your soul. He had black hair that rarely ever fell into his pale face.

A large family of six walked in through the side doors. Three boys, one girl, a man and a woman. The three boys seemed to be all twins with their wavy, blond hair and their matching outfits that consisted of all red with tiny rockets launching off. Castiel, trying to be polite, didn't laugh. Instead he tried to chuckle into his sleeve. The sound came out funny and it sound like something was dying. He got a funny stare from Ellen, his manager.

"You okay, kid?" She intentionally grinned, raising her eyes brows.

Castiel glared at her. He grabbed some menus for the happy family. The boys were ruff-housing with each other.

"Tyler Roy Martin," The mother started, pronouncing each word clear and loud. "Now you let go of your brother, or no dessert for either of you!" She bribed.

Immediately, they stopped fidgeting and sat quietly. In the corner of the booth, sat the daughter. Her bouncy brown hair in two low braids, a smirk on her round face as she stared at a nearby bug. The mother turned to Castiel giving him sugary smile.

"Can I start you guys off with something to drink?" Castiel asked pulling out his pen and notepad.

The kids exchanged looks. "Coco cola!" The first one shouted.

"Orange juice, chocolate milk and Pepsi!" The triplets shout in unison.

The father brushed his shaggy hair out of his eyes. "Two coffees. One black, two creams two sugars. Other a double expresso." He spoke with a steady voice as his hand shook.

Nodding, Castiel walked to the kichen. In there, Jo sat looking bored. She fiddled with her blond curly hair. Her back was slouched as she leaned against the white tiled wall.

"Cas!" Jo perked up.

Jo was one of the only people he considered to be friends with. Her and Gabriel of course.

"Need any help? I'm sooo bored!" She exaggerated. "Ellen won't let me help." She wailed, looking at Castiel for an answer.

"You call your mother by her first name?" Castiel's eyebrows raised, gently nudging her.

"Shut up." She sighed.

"You know what? Since you asked so nicely, I'll let you help out that family over there." Castiel joked, nodding his head in the direction.

Jo smiled and walked over to help leaving to get the family their drinks. This, gave him some time to think. Castiel let him mind wander to tonight. Maybe a movie at home? Some cooking or cleaning.. He thought to himself. The house is quiet a mess.. Gabe was coming over tomorrow for game night. Considering, Gabriel didn't get sick. It was almost uncanny how many godforsaken times--

"Fuck." Castiel swore.

The knife in his right hand had nicked the inside of his over one. Blood dripped out as Castiel ran to the sink, grabbing one of the dirty rags.

"Fucking, fuck, fuck, fuck!" Castiel yelled as he tripped on his untied gray converse string, dropping everything in his hands.

He was not having a good day.

"Woah there sailor! Got a dirty mouth, eh?" A man from behind the counter chuckled.

Castiel couldn't see his face but his dark brown leather leather jacket sat perfectly on the mans shoulders. A blue pen in his mouth, as he chewed on the tip. The mans head was covered by one of lights above. Almost making it look like he was an angel.

"I'm Dean. Dean Winchester." The man held out his hand.

Slowly reaching, Castiel grabbed it. It was a firm handshake. A little long.

"And you are..?" Dean asked, but it was like he already knew.

"Oh. Uh.. Castiel." He awkwardly hesitated.

The man, Dean looked up. He had beautiful greenish hazel eyes that seemed to change colours. His face was cleanly shaved and had a glowing tan. His hair, tucked under a baseball cap stood up. The hat was a faded blue and had been well worn-

"Can I have a re-fill?" Dean's voice interrupted his gaze.

Castiel realized he had been staring and quickly looked away.

"Y-yeah.. Uh, sure. Coming right up."He stuttered.

He grabbed the empty, white coffee glass and headed over to pour some more. He could feel Deans eyes watching him.

They say when you meet the love of your life time stands still.

But what they don't tell you is that once time starts again, it moves extra fast to catch up.

Time seemed to be on fast forward. People buzzed in and out of the place.

Castiel stood there for a moment with the mug in his hand. Frozen for a second. He tried to move but he felt like a fly stuck in syrup.

"Wait!" He tried calling out but his mouth failed him.

In only seconds, it was eight o'clock and time to cash out. All he had was a key in his hand and a shitty memory. He blinked a few times, he was sure he was dreaming. The hands on the clocked ticked forward.

Tick. The long red hand moved.







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