My Raggedy Man (2)

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Charlie's POV:

"Uhhh.. Where am I?" Charlie asked, sitting up.

Her eyes scanned the place. A huge circuit control board went around in a circle in the middle of this thing she was in. It had many buttons, levers, switches and.. A mirror?

The Doctor was on a chair not far from where she sat. He was reading a book she couldn't quite see the words. Charlie knew she need glasses. Ever since last year, but she kept putting it off.

The whole place she was in looked totally, well, alien. And it hit her.

"Ohmygod. Am I in a ship? Are you kidnaping me in your spaceship?!" She started to get more alarmed, continuing.

"Is this what you do? Kidnap people on their way to work? Where are we?" She paused. Her eyes widening.

"Are you an alien..?" She almost whispered.

"No. Well, yes." The Doctor spoke, looking up from his book.

"I- uhh" Charlie was lost for words.

Charlie sat there with her mouth in the shape of an O.

The Doctor's POV:

He watched as Charlie tried to run for the doors.

"I wouldn't do that." The Doctor sighed.

Charlie swung open the door, ignoring him. Outside was the stars and, well, Earth. The blue and green planet stood beneath them.

The Doctor watched her face light up.

"Wow.." She breathed.

"You should, um, take me back to Earth." She tried to be commanding.

The Doctor nodded as she closed the blue doors. He pulled and flipped a few switches aware of her gaze the whole time.

All the sudden the TARDIS stopped moving. The old girl span in another direction, away from Earth.

"No! No no!" He started running around pressing buttons.

It was as if the machine was fighting, because, well, of course she was.

The Doctor placed his hands on the wall.

"What are you doing?" He questioned the TARDIS in a tired voice, but deep down, he was kind of excited.

"Doctor?" Charlie spoke in a quite voice.

"What's going on?" She asked.

He turned to her.

"Ready for an adventure?"

Charlie's POV:

"An adventure with you? A mad man?" She scoffed.

The Doctor shrugged as if agreeing.

"That or you can wait here till she fixes." He replied, nodding to the thing she was in.

He started to walk out the door.

"Okay, fine. Wait!" She ran over to him.

"What are we in?" Charlie questioned.

" This is the TARDIS. T-A-R-D-I-S. She's a time machine." He spoke like he'd said it a thousand times.

"Wait. A what?! Did you say a time machine?! And where are we?" Charlie looked around.

"Dunno, let's go find out!" He grinned, opening the doors.

Sighing, she followed. The doors gave away to, well, a bunch of wires. Red, yellow, black. You name it!

Charlie frowned, turning to the Doctor. She raised her eyebrows, questioning him.

"Uh.." She spoke her eyes flickering around what looked like a closet.

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