Scissors (1)

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This chapter is dedicated to one of my best friends @tigerleaping ! This story takes place when we are in Preschool, though I don't remember it, and not all this is true, it's really important to me! It's one of my first memories with her! I love you Fern! <3 :D

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Thanks a lot

Yesterday, I looked upon my wall of photos before memories came rushing back. One image in particular made me grin. It was an older photograph of me with most of my hair cut off and my face coloured black. Beside me, was my best friend with a huge smile on her face and a pair of scissors in her hand.

"Careful!" I shrieked, my hands immediately rushed to cover my mouth.

The words tumbled out as carefwol, with my undeveloped speech. I hid behind a large, red, plush chair. It had miniature beaded pillows that rested on top. My eyes followed after my four year old friend, Fern, as she wobbled on a wooden black chair. In her hands lay a decorated box, like many others among the shelf. This one had tiny rainbow hearts that stuck to the outside of it.

All of this, sat on a high shelf along with other sharp, round and funny looking things we were told not to touch.

A thick sharpie was in my right hand as I squished it, my knuckles almost white. I watched as she opened the latch on the box, prepared for a teacher to come in. In it, a collection of scissors with the blades in weird shapes appeared. Motioning for her to come back, I smiled. My grandmother was coming today and Fern and I were going to make me pretty.


The steps leading up to the playhouse creaked as my blue sneakers landed on them. Opening the half door, it gave away to a familiar room. The place had colourful plastic chairs, a circle carpet and some toys. I watched as my best friend pulled up a chair for me to sit on. In a teasing manor, she opened and closed the scissors.

"Ready?" She flashed me a toothy grin, with one of the front ones missing.

I slowly nodded, taking one last look at my long, brown, curly hair. Before I knew it, I heard the crunch of the scissors as they clipped. With my own hands, I opened the sharpie and started to colour. The cold marker tickled as I ran it across my face. My hair seemed to fall down in chunks. It didn't take long, maybe a couple minutes? I questioned.

"All done!" Fern excitedly spoke, shoving a blurry mirror in front of me.

I giggled as I looked inside. I looked like a boy with my now choppy, short hair and coloured face.


By the time lunch had ended, all the kids, teachers and early arriving parents had come inside. It first we all just stood there staring. It last for about thirty seconds before our teacher stepped forward. Her wispy brown hair was pulled up into a tight bun as she gave a stern look. I felt my cheeks warm up, did I really look that funny? She lightly scolded us for not asking permission and sneaking around.

But, she did take a picture of the two of us and I'm glad I'll always remember.

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