06 00

580 51 11

06 00 hour

She had placed her head on my shoulder while I held her close and tight. I hadn't said a word after her reveal, only because I knew she didn't want me to. She wanted to calm down and have some silence, and I completely understood.

It finally started to become brighter; the sun was peaking out of the horizon, spreading different shades of blue, pink, orange and purple making it look like a swirl of colours. It was golden near the horizon, before spreading out to a shade of orange, blending in with the sky to make a purple and pink. The top of the sky was still a normal shade of blue, since the sun hasn't fully risen.

"This is breathtaking." She finally said.

I shifted my head to look at her only to see than her orbs had reflected the view so beautifully, it mesmerized me.

"Yeah, its beautiful," I said, still looking at her.

She took her eyes off the scene to look at me and for a moment, I wanted to lean it. My eyes flickered to her lips and instantly, I ruined the moment.

She shifted under my arm and wriggled her way out of my hold. I blew it. I knew nothing would've happened either way but I was just so tempted to kiss her. I wanted to kiss away her pain. I wanted to let her forget about her hard times. More importantly, I wanted her to realise that the world was not a shitty place; it was beautiful. Only the people living in it are horrible.

"I wish sunrises or sunsets were permanent. Like they'd just be down as sunrises, I guess. The sky would stay in its gradient for the world stay, before night, where it starts to turn dark and the stars come in."

"Yeah, but that we'd take it for granted," I said. She turned to look at me, as if to ask what do you mean? so I continued. "If the sky stayed like that forever, we'd never glance at it again because it would've been something so common."

"That's true." She nodded her head. "But I mean, its something to look forward to everyday. You never know what colours are going to show up the next day. Its like, the sky turns dark and a few hours later, you've got purple and blue. But the next day, you get a blanket of orange. Just like skipping stones, its unpredictable."

I was glad she was finally able to talk like before; before we told our stories. It was calming. The way I didn't hear her force herself to speak and not tear up was calming. I was glad she was okay.

"Mmhmm, true." I continued.

I wanted to know her name so badly. Maybe she was Sarah. She looked like a Sarah. Or maybe a Madelline.

Somehow, maybe because tonight may have become a spontaneous adventure, I gained enough courage to finally ask her.

"So, you never told me your name," I casually said.

"I think I'd like to keep it that way."

My heart sank a little. It made me feel like she didn't want to know me after tonight; like my existence wouldn't matter after tonight. Honestly, who was I kidding? Tomorrow, we'd forget about each other and go on wit our daily routines.

"Please don't take it the wrong way." She explained after seeing my expression. "I just think its more exciting that way. We crossed paths today, and we might meet tomorrow, or a week later, or a month later."

"Everything with you is exciting." I joked.

"Yeah, but honestly, won't it be cool? Like, tonight, well maybe its considered day now but, after this moment, we'd walk our seperate ways and never know when we'd meet again. Its so thrilling."

I lookd at the way her eyes sparkled and I felt my heartbeat quicken. It started beating a little to fast for a normal heartrate at rest.

My stomach also felt a certain way, like I had pins and needles. In my stomach. Weird but possible, apparently.

"I guess you're right." I shrugged, trying hard not to show my emotions through my words.

Please tell me I'm not faling for someone who's name I didn't even know.

The sky looked brighter now. I thought about my parents and how worried they must be to realise that their only son left has disappeared during their late son's death anniversary.

I didn't want to leave her, this mystery girl. I wanted to spend more time with her. To have her spill more about her life.

"Well, uh." I rubbed the back of my neck. "I think I gotta go soon."

"Oh yeah, me too. Its getting... too early." She hestitated with her choice of words.


Well, this was awkward. We were back to being strangers. We know each other's stories but the rest are a myth. And God knows when we'd meet again.

"Well, it was nice meeting you," She said. "I hope we meet again soon."

"I hope so, too." I found myself grinning, as did she.

"Goodbye, guy who's name I do not know," She said, waving her hands as she took a step back.

"Bye, girl who's name I do not know," I said, "But fear not for I will find out, and I'll find out soon." I winked and turned around, walking away from the lake and her.


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