Common enemy

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I was walking down the street to meet Jazz and Becky at Georgios' when I saw her. That little bitch , how can I possibly explain how much I hate her. Ugggggggghhhh! I just kept walking hoping she wouldn't see me but just as I was about to walk through the door she said hey! I thought ugh , I almost made it, damn!

I turn around with a totally frigging fake smile plastered across my face. Hi😒 I replied think more about ways I could kill her than any thing else. So I hear that you've got tickets to see 1D next week" she said "ya what's it to?" I replied trying not to loose my cool. I think you know If you think your going to get them you better think twice because you know I'm not handing them over so back the fuck off" "wow no need to be so touchy, taking them from you won't be that hard."she said with an evil grin playing across her face. She looked more like Voldemort and the cheshire cat combined than anything even close to human. Man, have I mentioned how much I hate that girl!!??  

how do you expect to the them from me, I don't even have them on me." "I told you you little bitch! I have my ways!" "well, now look who touchy!"Oh shut up!" I wanted to get into the pizza place but I would not leave this fight unfinished. She was starting to walk away when she said over her shoulder "bitch" that just put me over the edge. "oh no you didn't just say that!"yes I did!" "you might of just said that but keep in mind one thing oh ya and what's that?I replied trying to not to scream bitches shouldn't call other people bitches" then I walked in to Georgios'. 

My two best friends greeted me and Jazz said, we saw you and ***** fighting out there, I wanted to come and help but Beck said that it looked like you had everything under control. I wanted to scream and shout and let it all out(😊) but I would have to do that at the sleep over we where having later that night. I was just about to say something when my phone started to buzz, I looked at it and it was an unknown number, both Jazz and Becky told me to answer it.  

"Hello?"I said. The only reply was a gruff "Hello" The voice on the other end was obviously disguised but I kept listening to it. "those tickets will be mine eventually, I will get them, I don't care how badly I have to hurt you or the ones you love" "I said, isn't that a little harsh to get some concert tickets?"i was trying to keep up my good old sense if humor but it was getting to the point where it was difficult because if the situation.the the person on the other line said," I will do whatever it takes, remember that!"And then the line went dead.

"What the hell!" I thought as I put fown my phone. Jazz and Becky both looked concerned, "Allie are you ok?" they asked. I say " ya I'll tell you guys later, we can't talk about it in public." they both look concerned still but then the pizza came and we got  

consumed in conversations about how much of a dick head ***** is and what we're gonna wear to the concert. Once we finished the pizza it was almost 4:00 and we had to walk all the way to Jazzy's house. We where kinda tired so we went into Spot and got coffee. By the time we where out of Spot it was almost dark out.

We were walking to Jazz's house and before we where even half way there it was completely dark out. We were walking past some woods when I heard Becky cry out. She started to fall, I caught her as an enraged Jazz tried to find out who just hurt Becky. I was fucking pissed. Nobody touches my friends and gets away with it. I wanted to know who did this and I wanted to know NOW.

Who ever did this is a total bitch. I laid becky on the edge of the side walk and Jazz tried to see way Becky had fallen. I looked at the edge of the woods but nothing was there. Jazz found a cut on the back of Becky's head and it was bleeding. We needed to get her to Jazzy's house and fast. Luckily Becky is small and light so we could Carry her easily. We made it to Jazzy's house about an hour later and Becky was still bleeding. Jazzy's mom called an ambulance and we went with them to the hospital. It turned out that Becky needed stitches. We were told that Becky needed to stay at the hospital over night. And then we heard that we were not allowed to stay. We refused to leave Becky's side. We stayed with her all night and in the morning she woke up. The first thing she said was what the fuck happened all I remember is being hit in the head. We explained everything that had happened.

Let me tell u something about beck, she has an uncontrollable temper. When she heard wat had happened she was pissed and wanted revenge, more than all of us.

****heyy it's Allie so I'm bored and I'm not sure who I should put into this book so comment if u want ur name in the book thanks😊****

The next day was Sunday so Jazz and I slept over Becky's house. We pulled out all the pull out beds and started watching the movie "Mama Mia".we were about half way through wen jazz said, "Allie,you never told us what the person on the phone said on friday." I said "oh shit I totally forgot!" "well?" they both said at the exact same time . They threatened that if I didn't give them the tickets for tomorrow night they would hurt us." "and the did" Becky said

In the morning we started talking about the call. " hey have you checked you called ID? The number could be there." true! I replyed I looked et the caller ID and the number that came up at the same time as the crazy voice,was my brothers.

Common enemyWhere stories live. Discover now