The beginning and the end.

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The rain gods seemed to be quite happy that day.The shower of water droplets was continuing since a whole day.In this nasty rain, a mother was quite tensed about about her 2 little kids with no father.The father had died 2 months prior the birth of the twins.So it was the mother alone to raise the kids.The mother, which had no food to eat the whole day.

Poverty had slapped that poor mother devastatingly destroying all her dreams of big house and a loyal life.After the birth of her twins her only dream was to take care of her twins and ensure that they eat well and stay well.No matter if she didn't eat the whole day!It was fine.It was absolutely fine.Such was the Mother of those twins.

But that same mother was feeling tensed about her kids when rain didn't seem to stop.She was living with her kids in a poor hut which was made of sticks and rag clothes.She was indeed living in a forest.In the middle of the forest where she was staying safely since 4 months.Now those 4 months weren't easy for a mother who couldn't even afford a meal thrice.I am not talking about food I am talking about meal.A meal which consisted of only leftovers.Such were the conditions of this mother.But she had faith in god and that's what was important.

Anyways, the problem was that she had heard from the village people that thieves often come and roam around the forest looking for some good stuff.So she wasn't sleeping that night.All she was doing was protecting her 2 twin kids of 4 months on that rainy night.A stormy night I should say!

The woman's fear turned into reality.Thieves did come.They just came, hunted the poor and powerless mother down and took her one child with them for selling that poor kid in another village for precious money.Although that woman was hurted, she did went behind those heartless thieves who separated a mother from her child and a child from his mother.

The thieves escaped in a twinkling of a eye.Behind them was running a mother yelling for her kid.But that mother didn't knew what trouble and misery she had invited by going after her 1 kid to save him from thieves by leaving her other kid alone.

The rains were coming down amply.Under the hut was the other kid crying loudly for his mother and perhaps his brother.Unfortunately the king of the nearby village had decided to take a round his village on that day and the nearby forest to ensure that peace was maintained in his village.Although it was raining but the king was firm on his decisions as a mighty and steady rock.If he said he is going to go out, he will go out.Let the rains come and disturb him.But this mighty powerful and honestly loyal king will never stop.

Now such a king had no kid.He was childless.He had her queen but they both couldn't get a kid themselves.They couldn't get their own kid.So they had decided to adopt one kid who is in need of a moral support and ethical values.

Now remember the second child of that poor woman who went behind those thieves for her first child, was alone in his hut crying out loud.King heard that cry.He heard that terrible cry.He searched around along with his guards but all he could see was water.But then he saw a poor 4 month kid crying loud with no one around in that ghastly and stormy rain.So it was clear that the king was now going to adopt that kid.So he took that kid along with him in his palace.His lovely and majestic palace in the village where the poor woman often went for some money but she was often stopped by the king's greedy guards who would ask her for money and only then would let her in.Thus the poor woman could never go in the palace as she had no money.

By now the poor woman realised that she can't get her first child so an heartbroken and crestfallen mother came back to her hut for her second child.But then she was taken aback.Her second child now went missing.Now the woman's sadness had no limits.She searched for her second child like meniac but still couldn't find him.So now the poor woman was left with absolutely nothing.

Sometimes in life all these things happen.At one moment you have everything that you need and the very other moment you have nothing.But you should have the courage and patience to deal with all these types of situations.

The poor woman had nothing to stay alive for.After the death of her husband, the woman's world was her kids.But now that world had been destroyed tragically.So the woman thought that if her world has to end it will end by her death.So the woman killed herself and thus ended a life destructed by poverty haplessly.

Years passed by.Many changes took place on the earth.Man invented a super intelligent machine with his extremely precious and smart brain.The village next to the forest where the poor woman use to stay also developed.Womans in the village got to know the uses of mobile phone.The king of the village too helped to modernize his village.

The two twins of the poor woman who had committed suicide were now grown up adults.But do u know the drastic change in them?I bet u don't. The child who was abducted by thieves was now a thief himself and the child who was adopted by the king was now a prince.

This was not the change I am talking about.The change was in their personalities.The thief kid had all the qualities of a thief.He knew his job of robbery quite well.Whereas the prince had the qualities of braveness and loyalty towards his Kingdom.

Sometimes life changes you slowly but gradually and u don't even come to know.Nature will put you in the company of a bad person and in a period of time you will start behaving like that person.This is what is called the 'Mirror' property of the nature.

The one person we admire and look as an ideal has a major influence on us.We like their behaviour and so accordingly we behave like them.Same is the case in this story of the poor woman and her 2 kids.The kid who was a thief was not thief from starting He automatically turned into a thief by looking at the qualities of his thief members and vice versa for the prince.

Even after being brothers the 2 twins were totally different. We mirror the properties and habits of person we admire.So always remember, choose ur ideal carefully or always stay in a good company of people.You always mirror the behaviour of person you admire or of the group you stay in.So choose your group wisely for a man is judged by the company he keeps.

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