My angel.

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  • Dedicated to Toni Regan

Writers comment:

Hey guys :) so this is my first story i've written on here so I'm desperate for opinions and how I cld make it better so plz comment and tell me what u think... There's a lot more to come in the story like the huge plot ive planned! But yeh.. Hope you enjoy reading :) xx


"Happy Birthday Honey"

in the glow of sixteen candles my parents looked feverishly happy, the kind of fake smile which was all to common in the Frank family. Our family wasn't close at al, we never had been.

"Thanks mum, and dad" I managed to say and pulled a quick smile that seemed to stretch to far. Just then Millie ran into the room, her long brown curls bouncing behind her and managed to catapult herself onto my bed. I've always felt sorry for Her, she stays at her gran's house in england most of the time, basically because our parents don't have enough time for her. My parents work as lawyers; They could tell you more about one of their clients than they can about me and Millie. " make a wish Casey!" she squealed in excitement. Usually, making a wish wasn't my sort of thing to do but today, it just seemed right in a way, so secretly I wished for friends. I had been bullied at school, it got that bad I stopped going , but I'm home schooled now. "Sorry honey, but we've got work to go to and Millie's got school" the usual. I put on yet another fake smile and said " yeah its fine I like being on my own anyway" which was true, but not today, at least not on your birthday. After mum and dad leaving the room, mum leaving her extremely expensive Clive Christian No.1 fragrance behind her Millie cautiously looked behind her making sure there was no one there then whispered " you were sleepwalking again last night I heard mum and dad talking about it" I was sleepwalking constantly recently, even I had to admit it. "really what did they say?" Before she could answer mum called her down for school "Bye Casey" She smiled and ran downstairs. I lay on my be and waited for e door to click shut downstairs.

After getting ready in my usual outfit which consists of my forest green cardigan, which could hardly be seen because of my auburn/brown wispy hair covering it, my white t-shirt jeans and my green all star converse, I ran downstairs grabbed an apple and Bennies lead and left the house . The Air was frostily and it immediately grabbed the back of my throat Luckily, i liked the cold but I've never known why, vie always thought that it felt like someone has put a freezing cold blanket over your shoulders making you feel safe and secure yet cold at e same time. We lived at the top of a hill which had it's ups and downs one f the up side mattes was I could walk my dog in peace without the usual disturbances - other dogs, whispering people, staring people. the normal lot for me really. The lows were trying to get downhill in a car with all the jerky turns of the road and trying to ride up the hill on a bike.... Bad idea.

Letting Bennie off the mead to run around a bit I sat down with my back against an old oak tree, I started breathing deeply, i felt so at peace sitting there as I watched the air I just exhaled float upwards and disappear into the foggy white sky. I sat up straight startled from Bennies bark and said" Are you cold then

boy?" He shivered right on cue, i laughed then said "let's get you home then"

I clicked Bennies collar into place and stood up, weirdly enough I started to recognise the place. The strange thing was I had never been her before looking around I saw a familiar parting in the trees into what looked like the deeper part of the forest. Then my brain clicked this was the place from my dreams.

curious but mostly disturbed by the fact this place was familiar to me I begN to walk home. I felt as if eyes were on my back so me being me the so paranoid person that I am had to keep looking behind me every few seconds, everything was going fine until I spotted something out the corner of my eye lurking in the deep shadows of the forest i turned round to look at it loosing my balance in ten process, as o was falling I tried to stick out my hands but it was to late a quick zing of pain went from the side of my head to my toes and out the corner of my eye I could see a dark red liquid running down my cheek. I tried to zit up but it was no use, i saw a light that seemed to be running abnormally fast towards be then everything went black and blurry.

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