+I Bet My Life+

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The care home is grim. Like even the name of the place is seriously cringe worthy, and disgusting none the least. 'His Choice' which is a home for girls. I go into this old building and see a desk declaring that whomever it's, nowhere to be found owner, is called 'Mz. Aerosmith' first of all..."I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna miss a thing" and secondly...this room is prober goth. I'm wondering if this woman is not gonna turn into a bat and suck my blood out. Or buy the big blackout drapes, just incase she turns to dust with healthy sun light.

"This is so intimating." I whisper with my arm tightly secured over Effie's shoulder.

"Wait till you see her then." I loudly gulp...this is not me being sarcastic...this is me worried for all the girl's safety in this place...it doesn't look kid friendly and yet it's a orphanage?

I see Robert walk though the door looking rushed. "We have fifteen minutes before dad notices I'm gone. Hello I'm Robert and you must be-" He goes to say her wrong name deliberately, when she see's her arms.

"Oh my Gosh. Dan your need to take her to hospital-that isn't good." Effie shrugs lightly crossing

That's when this stick thin woman with eccentric hair, heavy eye make up...her long thin witches nose...big chin pointing out like a sore thumb. Wow...I feel like I'm in a horror movie. I feel Effie tense up besides me. "Miss. Smith you have not returned to this orphanage for days everyone was worried sick especially since your condition." What condition Effie is fine?

"Shut up." Effie demands as the woman spins around her desk and sits down giving us three evils.

"I have permission by high court to take Effie out of your care. As well as the other girls on law act of-" she hisses...this woman is not cool.

There is a slight pause as I block out Robert giving her the act that the court will be providing new homes for all of the girl's then Mz. Aerosmith's demanding voice shouting over the top of Roberts...it just makes this awful sound. "You have one week to move out." Robert says as he makes me and Effie stand up and guides us out of the door.

Down a corridor later she is back.

"That girl is a troubled girl! Troubled pregnant girl more like! She does drink and drugs...sleeps around-she has a gay abusive boyfriend! Fucking take that chain-smoker! Take all the girls!" Effie breaks down next to me.

"Dan. Cause' I trust ya so much...girls tried to escape this place after getting raped and beaten up. They call the taxis and the taxi guys are in the same hideous plan as the care home. Take that to court!" Oh my God. I hug Effie as she breaks down crying in my arms.

Robert calls up the police while he sends me home. I hate to leave him on his own but he is a big boy and knows what to do in these situations. Effie more or less drags me back to my apartment.

Once we are in the apartment she falls to the floor and screams..."Effie-no come here." I get on the floor and hug her as there I knocking almost immediately on the door. Probably Ben or Platz?

I get the door and see it's Aja...what is she doing here on a Sunday? "Arrow...girl, come here!" I don't mean to act so happy with what has just happened but I really just wanted to see Arrow. Aja looks at me concerned as she obviously see's Effie behind me.

"That's Effie...she has just left a care home and...she really needs someone to look after her. This doesn't change anything with Arrow right?" Aja smiles and shrugs at me. For the first time looking at my beautiful Aja, I just don't feel that connect we had when we were boyfriend and girlfriend years ago.

I look at Effie as she crosses her arms and waves slightly at Aja. "She seems depressed?" I nod my head as I kiss Arrow on the cheek once more and put her down.

"She is sad?" Arrow says pointing towards Effie who still is crying.

I nod my head as she walk over to Effie, with caution. "hug?" She says as Effie looks at me whilst Arrow has her arms wide open demanding one. Me and Aja both nod our head as she more or less dives in Arrows small arms crying.

"So...Arrow. Babe?" Aja says as I feel her tense up, Aja is a really nice woman...but she is overprotective as any other parent. Especially as she doesn't personally know Effie, why ever she is tensing up is most likely for the wrong reasons.

Arrow runs back to Aja as she picks her up and hugs her tightly. "This is your new big sister Effie. Be nice to her you..." Aja smiles putting her down as Arrow nods her head.

She runs off in the background as Effie tries to play with her...Aja takes me into the kitchen area and looks at me sadly. "You haven't adopted her because of me leaving? Like you wanna care for someone?" I shake my head.

"I haven't adopted her I rescued her from sexual and physical abuse." I whisper back switching on the kettle as it makes a loud noise I try to explain the whole story.

"When I signed the divorce papers I just...was upset and needed a walk. I went down an alleyway, the back of the casino where we first kissed and I saw her sitting there drinking, with a wedding dress on. Now I know she is pregnant, she slept around with guys for whatever reason...smoking, drinks, drugs the whole lot." Aja looks at me shocked.

"Oh my...fucking hell." I nod my head as Aja covers her mouth.

"That poor girl. Well she is in the safest ever hands now." I smile at Aja as she smiles back.

I really still do love her...love her more than anything other my little princess.

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