Chapter 1

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"Arthas, please just turn down the war! Those are my people! I can't risk having them killed!" the young woman cried. Her hair was short and brownish black, and she wore, which was strange at this time, a brown leather jacket with a black shirt underneath and jeans. Her golden eyes were flashing with anger. "Ashlyn, calm down. This is for Cristina's safety! Besides, everyone hates wolves, and you're not one of them, you're a cat." The man in front of her replied cooly. He was very tall compared to her, his pitch black hair combed into a gentleman like manner. He wore dark red clothes, a golden sword to the side. This was King Arthas, ruler of the world.

"I DON'T CARE!" Ashlyn yelled at him. "Don't raise your voice at me..." warned Arthas, his eyes flashing red. "Please, just listen to me!" The girl began. "NO Ashlen you listen to ME! Cristina's mother is dead, and I can't risk her getting hurt! You know how much she loves the forest. Those dogs are finished!" he snapped, slamming his hand on the table. "FINE! BUT AS ONE OF THEM I SHALL STAND AND FIGHT!" Ashlyn screamed, tears rolling down her face. she stormed out of the room, cursing under her breath.

My name is Cristina Bloodgood. I'm 12 years old, and my mother died while trying to give birth to me. My father is the king of the world. I only have one sibling, a brother, and tomorrow is his coronation to become king. My father always is in meetings, and what you just heard was one of them. Hard to believe, I know, but its true. To be perfectly frank, there is a lot of yelling and someone usually dies.

Today is April 10, 1796. I was playing with fire in my bedroom, watching the sun go down. I didnt know it, but this was the last sunset I was ever going to watch as a half mortal. Thats just how my life is. My family knows what I am, but they don't hold knowledge of of my brother being half demon, half vampire. My family are what t you would call demipiers. My father is god of war, and my brother of alchemy. But because my mother was a mortal, I have no powers like them. I feel out of place in my own home, because while my brother and father are eating raw meat, blood dripping from their chins, I simply ate cooked food such as meat pies or baked potatoes.

"Crissy?" James peeked his head into my room. His hair, just like mine and my fathers, was pitch black. So where his eyes, but they would flash red when alert, in a playful mood, all types of different times. He wore white all the time, which looked horrible because his skin was whiter than snow.

I didn't look at him. So he let himself in and sat next to me. "No trouble today?" he asked. Yep, I'm a troublemaker. Can't help it, but it makes my life more fun. Until I get caught. But I was mad. I don't know why, but I was furious! "Nope, no trouble. I'm just waiting for that stupid WAR TO START!" Now I wish I hadn't yelled, or even spoken at all. I wasn't supposed to know about the War of Wolfs, and to this day I wish I never did.

James grabbed my chin roughly. "How do you know about that?" he growled. I tried to pull away, but he just tightened his grip. I knew I couldn't pull away, because he was incredibly strong because of his stupid vampire strength.

"OW! James stop it!" I whimpered. "THEN TELL ME HOW YOU KNOW!" he shouted. I couldn't take it. "DAD!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. My father burst into the room. "James, put your sister down!" he commanded. Scowling James let go, eyes flashing. "I wish to speak to Cristena alone. Go get ready for coronation." Continued my father. James sighed and walked out, and my father stood above me.

"So you know about the war, then?" he asked. I was terrified, because my father was able to bring fear into the bravest of man or beast.

Sitting next to me, my heart froze. Then he began to speak.

"Even though it's James coronation tomorrow, I want you to have something for it. l know you hate the thought of your older brother getting so much attention." My eyes widened. My father was considering me. Arthas rarely did this to his youngest and only daughter.

"However..." he continued. I knew it was too good to last. " You must not try and collect all the attention during this period. But collectively, I want you to have a good time during the celebration.

Carefully, my father handed me a dress. It was the prettiest dress that I had ever seen. There were sleeves that went down to the elbows. The skirt was unlike my other dresses and would go down to my knees. It was a dark maroon colour, with black and gold stitching. A golden belt would wrap around my waist, with a slightly stiff material attached that would rest in front of my dress, like a cleopatra type of dress.

"Its beautiful father, thank you." I smiled, carefully holding the dress in my lap. Arthas smiled back, but it didn't make me feel even happier. In fact, it sent chills down my spine. Just the sight of it filled me with fear. All I could do was stare at his teeth. The fangs that pressed against his bottom lip made my heart pound in my head.

He kneeled down next to me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Speak nothing of the war to no one, Christina." Then silently he stood and left the room. I stood in shock, staring at the door after him. I thought silently to myself, I'm glad I will never have fangs.

The next day, I woke up when the sun was about an hour above the Wolf Mountain. Thats how we told time without a sun dial. But I did have a sundial on my window seal, along with a moon dial. It works just like a sundial, but only with the moon. I like it because it also works with a new moon. My brother fiddled them for me, but Ashlyn is a sorcerous and enchanted them so they were better than top quality. That's why the moon dial worked during a new moon.

Climbing out of bed, I went into my closet. My dress was laid out on the low shelf, with some black shoes. I took a deep breath. Not only was today my brother's coronation, but it was also my dead mother's birthday. That's why my father chose this date. He tries to place as many celebrations on this date, hoping the will will never be forgotten, as he has not gotten over my mother Venus.

I pulled off my nightgown, replacing it with the maroon coloured dress from my father. But I did not put on the shoes. I instead walked over to where I kept all of my black dresses. They took up more than half my closet. I went to the spot where the shortest dress was. It was my mourning dress. It went up only to my knees. The sleeves were long, but like my other dresses it was black. Even though you couldn't see it, there was a small chest under the dress.

I pulled out out a key that hung from my neck, and unlocked the chest. Inside were all my mother's clothes, shoes, and other things when she was my age. I pulled out a pair of dark navy blue flats. My uncle was a sailor before he passed away. He have gem to my mother when she was a child.

Sliding on the shoes, I looked at myself in the mirror. My black hair was perfectly cut to my waist, but for the dress, and this change toward my family, I wanted to change the style. I picked up my knife, a unique design on the handle with a droplet shaped ruby engraved on the end of the handle. I brushed down my long bangs, then on the left side i pulled them back so my bangs were only on over my right eye. Then, very carefully, I began to cut my hair. I cut it up to my chin, then on the sides i made it come to a bit of a point, making it and curl against my face.Perfect. I walked out of the closet and out of my bedroom, running into one of the servants, Mia.

"M-my apologies, My Lady!" she said quickly, curtsying. I tsked, them pointed to my bedroom doors.

"There is a mess in my bedroom closet, MIa, i want it cleaned up." i told her. She nodded, then finally noticed my hair.

"Er...Miss, correct me if im wrong, but did you do something with your hair?" Mia asked. I nodded, my patience running out.

"Mia, i do recall telling you to go clean up that mess in my closet, correct? So i say, stop wasting my time and get back to work!" I snapped firmly. i may be twelve, but i was strict and short-tempered. Mia went pale and quickly left me, going into my room. I took a deep breath, then began to walk down the the halls to the throne room. 

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