Valentines Day

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Warning! Cheesy Af! XD enjoy! Tell me how you like it.

England was walking home from shopping. It was February 14th, Valentine's Day. He wasn't very fond of the holiday. Not that he was against its traditions, but he ended up never having anyone to spend it with. France had a Valentine's Day party each year, but England never had too many friends so he never went. So he'd sit at home in front of the fire alone with a good book and a cup of tea.

I suppose there are worse things. He thought.

He arrived home and walked up the steps of the porch to the front door. Strangely it was unlocked.

Huh that's strange I was sure I locked it. Maybe I just simply forgot.

He walked in and found a paper bag sitting by his front door. There was a card with his name attached to it. He grabbed it and read it.

Hope it's not too late
To share this day
So be my valentines date
You've always made me feel this way.

You make me feel happy
I know this poem's sappy
But Ive loved you since my youth
That is the truth.
-You're secret admirer

Huh secret admirer? Who who is it. Who could possibly want me as their valentine? He thought feeling himself blush slightly. He then looked inside the bag to find chocolates, Champagne, and a dozen roses. He picked up the dozen roses and smelled them. He smiled who would do all of this... Just for me?

Just then he heard someone clear their throat. He looked up and was shocked to see who was standing there.

"America?!" He exclaimed in shock. "D-did did you do all this?"

America rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Uh... yeah. I know the poems not that good; I'm a lousy writer, but how about it?" He smiled brightly his cheeks red. "Would you be my valentine?"

"America I'd love to but..." He trailed off looking down. "Do you really want me as your valentine? Shouldn't you spend this day with someone more special?"

America surprised him with a small kiss on the lips. "But you are special. You're the most special person to me."

"Ah!" England stepped back nervously. He looked down feeling his whole face burn red. "Ok America. If you want me as your valentine then I'll have to agree."

America grabbed his arm and pulled him close to him. He wrapped his arms around his hips hugging him tightly. He rested his forehead on England's and their noses were almost touching. "Happy Valentine's Day England." He whispered.

England's blush subsided slightly. And he smiled closing his eyes. "Happy Valentine's Day America."


The next morning England sat at the table for the allies meeting. He remembered the night before and smiled. America and him sat on the couch in front of the fire, drinking champagne and eating chocolates.

France walked in to the room and snapped him out of his daydreaming. "Ah England! Where were you last night you didn't come to the party. Were you sitting alone at home again?"

"No." England responded. "I was busy last night."

"With who?" France asked slightly taken aback.

America walked into the room and sat down next to England. "Good morning England!" He greeted kissing him.

France was frozen with shock. "W-w-what? a-America? But but. You, him"

"Is Mr. France ok?" Russia asked suddenly appearing at the end of the table.

"Ah!" Britain exclaimed. "W-when did you get there?"

"Ho ho silly England I've been here the whole time." He laughed making them all shudder in fear.

"Hey don't even think you can forget about me. I've been here whole time to." China chimed in.

"Guys does anyone else feel like we're being watched?" America asked sceptically.

"Come on guys I'm right here. How come you don't notice me." Canada asked.

"Who are you?" The little bear he was holding asked.

"I'm Canada." He whined.

"I'm surrounded by idiots." England mumbled.

"Yeah well." America said grabbing his hand. "This idiot loves you."

"I love you too." England smiled.


Haha first USUK short. Had to make the ending kinda funny cause well it's Hetalia. Anyway hope you liked it. If you can't tell I'll sometimes base these shorts after a fan drawing I like, and sometimes I won't. Next short coming soon!

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