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England was sitting at the world meeting. He was extremely bored, and also pissed off.

Germany was trying to talk about serious matters, but he seemed to be the only one. Italy was just rambling on about pasta. Russia seemed to be more focused on getting China angry. Austria wasn't even paying attention, and was just reading instead. Hungary and Prussia were arguing, as always. Finland was shivering under Sweden's ice-cold glare. Japan was just sitting there politely, not doing anything. The most annoying, to him, however was America.

The bloody idiot was rambling on about him being the world's hero, with a mouth full of burger no doubt.

England sat their trying to deal with the annoyance, but he was steaming. He wouldn't be surprised if there was literally smoke blowing from his head. Luckily the meetings soon ended and everyone was leaving. He took a deep breath and stood up.

"So England, how'd you like my suggestions?" America asked him as everyone shuffled out of the room.

"I think they were completely ridiculous." He grumbled. Some of his suggestions were ridiculous, but the American did come up with a good idea every now and then. Of course he would never admit that. "I swear do you ever think before you talk?"

"Yes!" America snapped. "Why do you always have to be so rude?"

"I'm just telling my opinion." England replied. "If you can't take it then maybe you shouldn't ask."

"Well maybe I was just trying to start a conversation with you, but if you're going to be like that!" America shouted.

This took England back slightly. He didn't usually get so mad.

"Maybe I'll let you get back to being a grumpy old loner." America muttered harshly.

"I'm not a loner you wanker!" England snapped. "Why are you acting like this anyway?"

"Maybe I'm just sick of you!" America replied.

"Sick of me? You're the one who makes me want to rip my hair out!" England retaliated.

"At least I don't push the people who want to help away!" America yelled, but you could tell there was a slight hurt in his voice.

England scoffed. "What people?!"

This seemed to upset the American even more. "I swear England you call me an idiot, but sometimes you can be so dense!" He shoved past him, and left the room.

"Ugh!" England huffed and then stomped out of the room. "What do you mean I'm dense? About what?"

"Never mind you're just proving your point even more by following me." America relied as he continued walking. "Just drop the subject."

"America, I want you to tell me." England said sternly. He grabbed his wrist to stop him.

America stopped, and ripped his hand away, seemingly surprised by the contact.

England staggered back a bit and widened his eyes.

"I said drop it." America glared at him, and then turned away roughly, and left. He had tried to seem composed, but once he was turned away he felt his cheeks warm up. His heart was beating rapidly. He couldn't help but feel very confused. His skin felt warm where England had touched it. What was wrong with him?


America was sitting in his house watching some random program on tv. Well to be honest he wasn't really paying attention to it, because his mind wondered to something else, or someone for that matter. England. He brought his hand to his wrist. I don't understand. Why have I been feeling so weird around England? My heart always pounds, and my stomach feels weird. He makes me feel warm, and... Happy? But how, all we ever do is get into arguments... He made me so mad today. How he acts like no one cares about him, and always ridicules me. Can't he see that I care about him? He crossed his arms with a huff. Then he curled up onto the couch with a frown. Is that what this feeling is? Caring about England? I've always cared about England, but this is different. Ugh but different how?! What is it?! He rolled onto his back and took a pillow into his hands shoving it in his face, in aggravation.

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