Part 1

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Please be warned that this story has some possible triggering scenes, some sexual content, mature language and deals with depression, mental illness and suicide.

If you are living with depression or are self-harming like Jessica and countless others, please reach out for help. You can get help by calling any of the following hotlines:

Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696

Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433

Self-Harm Hotline: 1-800-DONT CUT

You can also text CTL to 741741 to reach trained and compassionate listeners who are there to help you at any time.

The Crisis Text Line is a toll-free text service available 24/7 nationwide.

People who want to help and are ready to listen are waiting for your call. You are stronger than you know.

I hope you enjoy reading Jessica's story.


GRIPPING MY JOURNAL, I flip through the pages of my written pain. Putting pen to paper is comforting to me; my journal is the only place I can really be myself, the only place I can release my demons and voice my fears. Trying to forget summer break, I push away the thoughts of Brian and the other guys that used me for sex these past couple of months. The heartache they caused is nothing compared to the pain I'll face today.

Senior year. My last year of hell on earth is upon me. This morning I have to step inside the hallways of my own personal nightmare. The fear I feel is almost tangible. Writing will help ease it, but I know it won't be enough. I place my hand over my lower stomach and run my fingers across my scars. I focus on the blank page before me and start to write.


Familiar places

Trapped within these walls

Taunting me

Trapping me

Laughter filling the halls

Not much longer

It will soon end

Can't let them know

They win


Beat down

Their derisions

Circling all around

Block it out

Push it down

Keep building these defenses

Brick by brick

My emotions bound

Seeing a stranger

When I look in the mirror

Lost and alone

My soul pleading

Desperate to find a home

I sit in my car, staring at the front steps of Jenson High School as dread washes over me. The drive here was nothing but minutes filled with anxiety.

Only one more year. I can do this. Just one more year and I'll be free of this hell on earth forever.

The past three years were nearly unbearable, and I can't imagine this year will be any different. I grab my backpack and push my car door open. The parking lot's filled with people milling around, chattering about senior year, eyeballing each other's outfits, and sizing each other up. One clique bleeds into another clique, and so on. Keeping a low profile is important to me, so I've chosen to wear a plain pair of skinny jeans and a simple white T-shirt; I don't belong to any of the cliques.

Because I'm invisible.

I barely exist.

A loud engine rumbles as a huge truck pulls up in the parking spot beside mine, startling me. I look over to see that it's none other than Jace Collins, superstar athlete and megapopular boyfriend to my worst enemy. His door opens and he jumps out, throwing his backpack over his broad shoulder. He might be with the biggest bitch in school, but God, the guy is like a huge magnetic force made up of sexual tension and dimples. By the time I realize I'm staring, it's too late; he's noticed me ogling him. A small grin stretches across his face and I blush, snapping my eyes away. I turn and start walking toward the school when I hear her.

"Oh look, it's Jenson High's school slut. How lovely!" Elizabeth shouts, loud enough to draw attention my way.

I clench my backpack strap, keeping my gaze forward. I can feel her eyes gunning a hole through the back of my head. This is the only time of day when I'm visible. When I'm in the cross-hairs of Elizabeth Brant's clique of mean girls, I'm a huge blaring bull's-eye. Engaging with her is pointless. She never gives in or lets up. Now, everyone within earshot stares and laughs at me. Taking in a deep breath, I try blocking it all out. I can hear her spitting more venom my way as she gets closer, and her sidekick Hailey joins in the taunts.

"How was your summer, Jessssssica? How many guys did you add to your list, huh?"

Their laughter fills the air around me, and then I hear him. Jace. He's been stepping in for the past couple of years to shut them up when they talk shit to me. The first time he did it, I was stunned. Why would he care what they said to me?

I'm no one.

I barely exist.

"Okay, enough of that bullshit. It's the first day of school. Do you both have to be such assholes?"

I don't turn around or acknowledge his act of kindness. I'm thankful, but I can never tell him that. If she saw me talking to him, it would be a disaster. I don't know why, but every time I make eye contact with him I get butterflies in my stomach. Of course, he's never flirted with me like so many of the other guys do. I know why they do it, and so does everyone else, but Jace has never treated me like a slut or piece of trash. He's as close to a gentleman as a teenage guy can be.

Last year, when we were paired together in chemistry class, Elizabeth was pissed off. She pinned me down with her stare for the entire hour, but Jace ignored her and rolled his eyes. When class was over, he got up and gave me a small smile before walking away. It was the one time that I hadn't felt like a nobody. For that one hour I'd felt present and not so closed down. It was easier to breathe-it felt like what I assumed school should feel like.

Jace remains a mystery to me. I have no idea why he treats me like a normal girl, but every time he does, my heart beats a little stronger and a little faster. I hope one day I have the opportunity to thank him. Until then, I'll keep my gratitude safely tucked away.

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