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"As a young child people always tell you to reach for the stars and never limit yourself. Yet once you get to be a teenager close to an adult they tell you to start thinking more realistic. As a young child they tell you myths to give you something to believe in. Then you become a teen and they tell you that at a point you have to grow up. As a child everyone seems friendly and the world seems to be such an amazing place that you would never want to leave. Then you get older and realize that friends can be backstabbers and even though someone is family they can be just as much as a stranger as a person you walk by on the street. " I started to stare out of the window and watch the rain. I sat and wondered has anyone realized what's going on in the world. All this hatred and evil for what? But pain helps us grow, learn, and better ourselves. I wish that someone would've told me that life wasn't all smiles and hearts. Maybe, just maybe I would've been more prepared for what life had in store for me. So I , Jaclyn Smith, hope that I can give younger girls a insight on life so that they will be more prepared for life. I'm not saying that my advice or story is going to prevent you from all evil and pain. It's just going to help you handle situations way better than I did. A lot of people have this "If only" problem. They always say ....."If only my dad was in my life" "If only my family was rich" "If only I was popular cute or smart." I had to learn that everything in life has a reason. Maybe you aren't the cutest person because you were meant to be loved for something way better than your looks. Maybe you aren't rich because you'll know how is feels to be at the bottom so when you make it to the top you'll be humble. I know it's hard to focus on positives when there is just so much negative around you. Also a lot of times it's hard to listen to others advice because you hear the same things over and over and none of those people have ever walked in your shoes. But I know you guys don't just want to read a motivational story of everything that you've heard before. Therefore I present you my story.

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