Change Of Heart

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Later that day I went home, but today I decided that having an attitude because of my feelings being hurt wasn't going to get me anywhere. Therefore I decided to go in the house with a smile and apologize to both Jamircle and Aisha even though I wasn't in the wrong.

Jaclyn: Heyy

Jamircle: Hi honey

Aisha: Hi

Jaclyn: listen I've been thinking and I just want to apologize for the way I have been behaving lately.

Jamircle: Really? Well I would like to apologize as well because I've been taking my problems out on you.

Aisha: well since everyone is apologizing I'm sorry for reading your diary.

We all gave each other hugs and ate a wonderful dinner.  For a long time now we've been struggling financially and all three of us have a past that haunts us. Aisha being passed from foster home to foster home with people who weren't parents to her they just wanted money. Jamircle who lost her mother at nine and found a good foster home at 10 she was like me had big dreams and aspirations but something happened to her something bad that she hasn't told anyone about that has made her become bitter and give up on everything that she ever wanted. Me on the other hand never lost my mother physically because she's still alive but It feels like I lost her because every since she got sick and went to a rehabilitation she hasn't been the same and lets just say things have happened to me ,very bad things but I rather not state those things. The point is that we all had a lot of things to be stressed over but we were all ok because we had each other. Then out of no where things started to change for the better Jamircle had a better job and it forced her to quit the two lousy jobs she had at first and she found a so called "Good Man" and I found a cute boy that made me laugh. Then just as fast as things changed for the better we found ourselves in an even worst predicament. Now Jamircle has no job she's searching for one and she started to take her anger out on me and I started to get discouraged. And all it took was for us to just apologize to each other to get back on the right track? After dinner we all sat in the living room watching "Twist Of Faith" and eating popcorn and ice cream. 

Aisha: This is more like it because the last two weeks have been awkward, confusing, and frustrating.

Jaclyn: girl who you telling?

Jamircle: Yeah I've been doing a lot of thinking and life is too short to let unworthy people control your emotions. It's time for us to stop waiting on a chance or opportunity for our lives to get better. We need to get up and go find and take that chance.

Aisha: Yeah you're right. Since we are all sitting here there's something I want to tell you.

Jamircle: Ok I'm listening

Aisha: never mind

Jaclyn: No say whatever you feel sister

Aisha: Well I just feel like I don't matter around here.

Jaclyn: Why would you feel like that?

Jamircle: Shh let her finish.

Aisha: It's just that.......... well I don't know we just don't act like a family and I wish we could.

Jamircle: I see what you are saying and I promise that its going to get better.

Aisha: Ok well I'm sleepy I'll see y'all in the morning love y'all.

(I got up and grabbed our dirty dishes walked to the kitchen and began to to wash them)

Jamircle: Thank you sweetheart

Jaclyn: O it's no problem

Jamircle: When you are finished I need to talk to you 

(She got comfortable on the sofa and 2 minutes later I came and sat beside her)

Jamircle: So you know things have been tight for a while because I can't seem to find a job that financially helps our situation. However I've come up with a back up plan ,you don't need to know exactly what is, just know that things may be began to get better.

Jaclyn: Ok

Jamircle: O and I apologize for the way I've been treating you lately......

Jaclyn: It's ok don't apologize.... It's over and done with. Besides You already apologized

Jamircle:  and thats why I love you. You're so mature

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