The Manor

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Hey I've got an Instagram that I will upload cosplay pictures on when I get the chance so if any of you have one feel free to follow and as always I follow back! KitKatLover103

I'm sorry for this taking so long, updates should be quick now that it's summer.

"No! Get away from me please! Don't hurt me!"
"Haha you should know by now that you pleas won't do anything, you should feel lucky I'm in a good mood, otherwise I'd have to punish you more..."
"No! please!"
"Shut up!!!"
A tearing pain hit my left hip, I felt a warm liquid start to flow on to the metal table. I couldn't move I could only lay there restrained as a small sob escaped my mouth.
"I told you shut up!!!"
Another stabbing pain as I laid there taking the scalpel that was shoved into my skin once again. I did all I could not to let any screams out.
"You stay there and I better not hear a single sound out of you!"
Then the fading footsteps began. Tears were streaming down my face, what else could I do? Only lay and wait...

I felt a shaking and was instantly filled with fear again. Did he come back already?!
"-n), (y/n)!"
No this voice was much more comforting...
My eyes slowly opened hoping to find where that voice was coming from.
I saw Ciel, but it was a strange angle. And then I realized.
"I'm so sorry!!"
I shouted as I got off his shoulder as quick as possible causing my self to fall backwards.
"It's quite alright" he said as a hand landed on my back stopping me from falling out of the carriage. It was the butler, what was his name again?
"Sebastian, go prepare lunch"
"Yes my lord". He said as he walked off now that I was sitting back in the seat.
We climbed out of the carriage and the driver, a short man with grey hair and a funny looking glass circle on his left eye. I looked back to see Ciel walking ahead of me so I ran to catch up. As we reached the door he turned to me.
"Welcome to the pantomime manor"
He opened the door and we walked in. IT WAS HUGE!!!!
I've never seen a house so big in my life and it seemed even bigger on the inside. I followed him up the gigantic staircase. Into a room with a bed that looked very soft . Wait here a moment. He walked over to a dresser and pulled out some clothes. The bathroom is just through that door so go ahead and change into these.
"Thank you" I said as I nervously walked into the bathroom and shut the door. The clothes looked confusing,but I tried to put them on. I got the pants and socks on, but I had trouble with the shirt. I struggled to get it on, and then I realized... I was stuck.I tried to get it off, but I couldnt. And it didn't help that it was covering my eyes.
"Ummm, Ciel?"
"I'm kinda... stuck. Can you help?"
And then I heard silence.

*Ciels P.O.V.*

He's ... stuck?
How do you get stuck?
Granted I don't put my clothes on by myself... oh stop rambling!
"I can get Sebastian for you once he's finished lunch, just come out here for the time being"
"Um, well, I can't see... or move my arms. So could you please help me? I don't like this feeling"
Oh god, I have to do it. But it'll be so embarrassing to see him changing. Come on Ciel! He needs your help! You can do it! Just quickly help him get unstuck and you can leave.
I slowly opened the door to see (y/n) with his arms stuck over his head in the shirt with his face covered by the back of the shirt.
I slightly blushed seeing his revealed skin, thank goodness he can't see me right now. It took everything in me not to laugh.
I couldn't help the small giggle as I asked him.
"How did you manage that?"
"I...Um...I don't know..."
"Alright, just hold still for a minute."
I walked over to him freeing him from the shirt. As soon as he could move his arms he held his hat tightly to his head.
"No problem, don't you want to take your hat off?"
"No thanks, I'd rather wear it."
"Alright, suit yourself"
I started walking out of the room when I heard him speak again.
"I still don't understand how to put this shirt on, could you, maybe, help me with it too?"
I tried not to blush.
"Um sure"
I said trying to calm myself before turning around. I walked up to him and help him out the shirt on and the buttoned up his shirt. I felt him staring at me causing me to feel nervous, making my hands shake.
"Are you okay?"
He asked
"Of course! Just hungry is all."
I lied. Why do I feel so strange? I've never been like this before. It's weird.
"Finished" I said as I stepped back from (y/n), who was now dressed in my clothes.
"Come on, let's go patch you up." I said walking out of the bathroom with him in tow.
"Sit on the bed" I commanded as I pulled up the chair that was in the corner and grabbed some first aid supplies from the bathroom.
As I bandaged his injuries I wondered, what could have caused all these scars? As I thought back I remembered the large scars on his stomach when he was stuck in the shirt. I don't like seeing all these scars on him. Could these scars be the cause for the full glint in his eyes? I wonder...
"Thanks so much, no one has ever cared for me like this" he said and I actually smiled at him. How long has it been since I've smiled like this?
There's something strange with this boy.
"It's not a problem" I said as usual finished up and put everything back. "Lunch should be about ready now, so let's go." I said taking his hand and walking him towards the kitchen.

Yes I made 1,000 words for you guys!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2016 ⏰

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