How to annnoy Captain Picard

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1. Put him in the cargo bay with a bunch of children.
2. Send him away from the U.S.S Enterprise-C in a shuddlecraft and then blow up the Enterprise. WARNING: YOU WILL BE IN BIG DOO-DOO WITH STARFLEET!!!!!!
3. Put him in a room with Data and have Data tell him some long, scientific story that makes you want to fall asleep
4. Barge into his quarters each midnight for the rest of his life and scream: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!
5.Send him on a vacation
6. Buy him a really loud annoying dog
7. Put him in a dress
8. Invite Q to a dinner party
9. Invite the Borg to a dinner party... Note: RUN AS FAST AS YOUR ****** LEGS CAN GO!
10. Tell him nobody cares every time he gives an order.

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