2. love has no age limit

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*One week later: Wednesday 3:00*

I decide to go meet the mystery man at the park again. The only problem with this, is that it is around -30 degrees out and the grass is so dry that when you step on it, it crackles underneath your feet. So, I coordinate my outfit to the weather.

I put on jeggings and an oversized grey sweatshirt. I leave my hair in a curly mess and decide to only put a little bit of mascara and eyeliner on. I grab a black beanie, my purse, and keys. As I'm driving to the park, I see a guy who looks like he's 28 walking in the middle of the street. Trying to be polite, I flash my brights until I realize he's not moving. So I honk a few times, maybe he's blind, but he still didn't move. Blind and deaf? I pull over my car and walk over towards him.

"Hey! What's your deal?" I yell and tap his shoulder. He turns around and laughs. "What the hell? Did you just escape a mental hospital or something?" I ask and slowly back up to my car.

"Nah, babe. You've been pranked!" He yells and points to a nearby bush. "There's a camera right there and one up in the hotel building. That's where I'm staying. I'm a YouTuber, and you just got Tayed!!" The cameraman hiding in the bushes walks out and gives me a close up.

"Oh Dear, God!" I say and face-palm myself. "Listen, I don't feel like watching myself right now, so just email it to me," I say and grab the cameraman's pen and write my email on the boy's arm. I get back in the car and drive past them, yelling "YOU CAN'T BE A YOUTUBER FOREVER!"


I roll my window up and speed to the park. It is 3:45 when I get there and I'm hoping and praying the mystery man hasn't left yet. I get out the car, put the keys and my phone in my purse, and start walking around. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I turn around, seeing a sweaty and shirtless man with one earbud in and one out.

"So you came back, Emily. I knew you couldn't resist me," he says and I laugh.

"Yeah, right. I came to figure out your name, that's all," I say and he smiles. "And one question...Why are you shirtless when it's below freezing outside?"

"It helps my body accumulate the cold, that way I can bear hot weather and cold weather when I play my soccer game. You should try it, some time," he says and takes his other earbud out.

"Cool," I say back and awkwardly nod, rubbing my numb arms together trying to get warm.

"Yeah, so, wanna walk?" he asks and I nod. We start to walk and he puts his long-sleeved shirt back on. I look at him and he smiles.

"Name?" I ask and he laughs.

"I love a woman who goes after what she wants," he says and I roll my eyes.

"It doesn't do any good to be demanding and passionate if the thing you want, you can never succeed at getting or achieving," I say back and he stops in his track.

"Woah, deep, man." He says and continues walking again. "Name's Brady."

"Brady," I repeat and I look at him.

"Don't like it?"

"No, it's cute," I say and he smiles.

"Well, that's good, I guess. Um, wanna stop at the cafe?"

"I'm just going to go home. I'm not really hungry," I say and he nods.

"Well, maybe we can stop at my place? It's down the street," he says and grabs my hand before I can say no. In two seconds we're sprinting as fast as we can to his house, and then, once we get there, he stops and picks me up before I can even think to slow down. He carries me like a baby into his house and plops me onto the sofa in the living room.

"What was that for?" I say, stretching on the couch.

"I don't know," he says and sits down at the end of the couch by my feet. He takes off my boots and socks and throws them across the room. He rubs his hands across my legs.

"Massage, too? Anything else?" I ask and he smirks. He moves his arms up my legs and moves to lean over me. I gasp and put my hand on his chest.

"Now, we could make out," he whispers quietly, "or we can Netflix and chill. Your choice," he says and I smile.

"Netflix and chill better not turn into Netflix with thrills," I say and he laughs. He gets off of me and grabs the television remote.

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