Chapter 32

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why not a picture amiright. itll be Lindy's pov for a while bc im a lazy piece of crap but wanna update so deal. 😘.

Lindy's POV

Her plan was fool proof. Well, we hoped it was. We would announce on social media that the Dallas', Gilinky's, Brent, and Hayes would not be attending the event today, but were called in for a last minute shoot for teen vogue back in California. Also that Jack was called home for a family emergency and would be back for the next day of the two part event. All of them except Cameron, Jack G, and Jack will actually make their way back to California to our house in L.A.

At the house, there's weapons, and we can contact everyone's parent's there easier since James wouldn't expect them to go back to the old house. All of our parents are apart of the F.B.I and so they'll help with back up. What happened next depended on how well we knew our enemies. We are counting on the fact that James will send Lacey and Connor or Kayden to keep an eye on them.

Then James will send the remaining member to find us and keep an eye on us as well. Or do who knows what. Us at the event will act completely normal so we don't alarm the fans. But we'll inform the security guards of what is going on. Hopefully, James sends Connor to come 'spy' on us. That way we can disable whatever listening device or cameras he has on him that give James info of what's going on.

Then when the event is over, we can start our trek chasing after Lacey and Kayden. Group one will hide out in the house after they take down all the cameras and wait for Connor and Lacey. Since Group two (thats the rest of us staying at the event) will be right behind them, we'll use a program to override their connections with James.

We'll go through their recent locations they've used and find the most frequent one. We'll send the top 3 in Canada near the Collins' house to Group three (Jack, Jack G, and Cameron) so they can find James and get Ana back. Once Lacey and Kayden get to the house they'll have no way to contact James, and we'll corner them in so they have no where to run.

It wasn't exactly a secure plan.... Okay it wasn't very secure at all. But it was the best chance we had and the only plan we had thanks to Maria. Well, thanks for listening in on deep shower thoughts with Lindy Caniff. Tune in next time to see what she thinks about the transition of Canadian weather being so bipolar. (Ive never been to canada s lets pretend that it does actually get hot there idek im sorry i suck k bye)

I sighed shutting the faucet off and stepped out of the shower drying myself off quickly. One thing I hate about showers is actually getting out. It's disgusting but a necessary evil. I did my routine and all that good shit. I stepped out of the bathroom thankfully not running into publicly nude male I find attractive. I walked into Maria's and I's shared room shutting the door behind me.

She was ready as well packing clothes, makeup, and toiletries into two backpacks for the each of us. "I walked over to the nightstand and grabbed my phone. "You know, if we were in school right now, you would be dress coded all over."I said jokingly. "I know right. Talk about over shoulder exposure. Scandalous."She said in a weird voice.

I laughed and smiled at her. "I'm glad you feel better. I wasn't sure how much longer I could take with you being so sick."I said lacing up my vans.  "Same though girl. I'm surprised Hayes has dealt with me so long and hasn't dumped my sorry sick ass."She said laughing. "Ya'll being cute even though you sick. Goals af."I said giving her a look.

She blushed and looked away grabbing her own phone. "Are you ready to go?"She asked changing the subject. She handed me the plain black nike backpack. I nodded sighing and exiting the room. We walked down the stairs and everyone was waiting for us. Matt smiled at me and I smiled back softly.
Nash gave me a nod and I followed suit.

"Ready to go best friend?"Matt asked. I swallowed glancing at Nash over my shoulder. He sighed and walked out the front door. "Yeah."I said just above a whisper. He took my hand as we all walked outside. We all hugged and told each other to be careful. "Keep my brother safe Cam."Nash said hugging Cameron. "Of course. You keep my other little sister over there safe."He said pointing at me.

"Gosh guys this is getting so emotional (hemmotional anyone cos same.). "I said hugging Cameron. I went around the circle saying meaningful words to each person. Then came Jack. "Hey."I said punching his arm softly. "Hey yourself."He said attempting to smile.

"I know we aren't exactly on great terms right now. But I still love you. Take it how you will but all of us are a family and whether you like it or not, you're apart of it. Meaning that we still care for each other even if we're fighting."I said quickly getting out what I needed to say. He sighed nodding.

"You're right."He said shaking his head. "As always."he added saying so more to himself then to me. "Be careful. Obviously as I said before, I still care about you. But pushing me away isn't the answer to fixing us. If that's what you want.

We were really close and I want to get back to where we used to be. I don't want us to be all weird and awkward because our relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend fell out. I think we're better than that. It's obviously effecting both of us not having each other. But nothing is going to change if we are both too afraid to say something to one another.

We can't pretend it didn't happen. But we can learn from it and try to fix us. But a relationship takes two. Regardless of the fact whether it's a romantic or friend relationship."I said firmly. He took my hands in his but he didn't intertwine them. "I completely agree. I know you're kind of confused right now with Matt, Nash, and I trying to in lack of a better word 'win' you. By me saying I completely agree, which I do, I'm saying I'll step down to make things easier for you.

I just want you to be happy. If it's not with me then so be it. No matter how much I want you to find happiness with me, yours is what's important here. But I'll still be here for you, as your best friend or what ever you want to call me. Okay?"He asked. I nodded hugged him tight.

"Don't get yourself killed or I'll kick your ass."I said trying to keep my tears in. He chuckled and kissed my cheek softly before pulling away. "Bring our sister home Jack. And bring yourself home too."I said before turning away praying this wasn't the last time I would see him.


wow i suck dont i lol. more fluff and filler and omg whats wrong with me. maybe we'll actually see some action in the next chapter geez. physics is kicking my butt. testing is tomorrow. and Will got suspended for a year. 5sos is releasing shit left and right and i have 3 dollars to get it all plus saving for concert and merch gotta zayn. have a nice night homies xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2015 ⏰

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