Chapter 2 con.

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"Hey Wax, do you want your book back?" Kevin said once the book was firmly in his grasp. Max sighed, the odd nickname Kevin used was due to the fact that Max almost ate wax at school when the teacher was given a candle for a christmas present. Even though Max was in preschool when the event took place, Kevin still held it agains him.

"Yes I do want my book back, Kevin." Max said in patient voice.

"Too bad!" Kevin shouted quietly, then promptly bursting into laughter at whatever joke he thought he was making. Max sighed again and grabbed his book back from Kevin, with the same amount of strength that he always uses when taking his book back, but still always surprised Kevin. This time, it was Kevin who surprised Max by laughing after the book was taken back.

"Why are you laughing?" Max said, concerned for Kevin's welfare since he deviated from his normal plan of action.

"Nothing Wax it's just that your eyes are so funny." Kevin lapsed into another fit of giggles. Max stared uncertainly at Kevin. Suddenly someone sitting beside Kevin whispered something to him. After the kid had finished, Kevin stopped laughing and growled, Kevin glanced at Max, he looked as if he was going to kill someone. Suddenly he stood up and growled at Max, "Tell that to my face!"

"Tell you what?" Max asked in confusion at Kevin's odd behavior. This seemed to infuriate Kevin

"You know what you, you- !" Kevin seemed unable to express his feelings about what Max was, instead to express his feelings about Max, he reared his fist back and sent it into Max's jaw. Max fell down on the tile floor holding the side of his jaw in pain. Max stood up unfazed by the small amount of force in Kevin's punch.

"Why did you do that!?" Max shouted staring into Kevin's eyes. Kevin growled, but then something happened to Kevin, he grabbed his head in pain, but didn't break his eye contact with Max. Oddly throughout all of this, Max was reminded of the witch in his dreams, weaving the strange multicolored cloth, but then the witch was met with a jam in the cloth. Max, for no reason wanted the cloth to be fished, so he imagined that the jammed loom fixed itself and allowed the cloth to be continued to be weaved. The loom suddenly lurched and the witch started to weave the cloth once more. As Max shook of the vision, he looked up and saw Kevin's eyes roll into the back of his head, and his legs crumple as he collapsed on the ground.

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