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Bella POV

At first my body was starting to feel numb but then pain all I felt was pain.I just wanted someone to kill me but then again no.I was burning up inside it felt like someone dip my whole entire body in a volcano of acid and then set my body on fire.The pain spread up to the bottom part of my body to the to part of my body.Victoria said it will take 10days for my transformation to complete but I don't believe that since now I'm part demon so technically I think that it will take a least 2 weeks to complete.While my changing was in process this voice in side my body was talking to me to ease the pain like major in jasper body.It kept telling me how I'm going to be like when I'm all those things when my process is done.I kept hearing voices outside from master Aro,Jane,Charlie,Victoria,and other guards I knew.Finally Victoria said that I have 1hr to wake up.

Bella's waking up!!!
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Twilight with a twist (Bella lethal killer ever)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora