Find out powers Prt.1

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Bella POV:
As I was done hunting we started working on my powers." Ok Bella we will start working on your vampire powers" aro said. Ok just breathe and let the stuff in your mind go blank imagine you showing a video to all of us in our mind to make a list of all your powers my BF(Alec said). "OMG Bella you are really powerful look at all your powers" Jane blurted out.
Physical/Mental shield
Power blocker
Take away powers
Power manipulation
Think of any powers you want
Fire shields (anyone who try to attack you with physical or mental powers get set on fire)
Control emotions
See future
Mind reader
Mind powers
Dark powers
Tell mates
Deadly lasers
Control body or electricity
Weather manipulation
Heal others
Look into your soul (vampire or not)
Power fertilization
Pain illusion
Take senses away
Blind you
"Magnificent Bella everyone said including my dad.
10hrs later.......
"Master Aro I would like to work on my witch,demon,and dark angel powers and my kids powers I said."I was about to tell you lets do that but you beat me to it" Aro said bubbly.Then let's go I call everyone oh and master when will we get to change Charlie,Renee,and Phil because they were worried about me so I told them that I'm a vampire I'm going to change them I said nervously." My dear Bella don't be scared because you are very powerful and could kill the whole Volturi  with one look and yes they will be change after all the power testing.

Twilight with a twist (Bella lethal killer ever)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora