Volunteer *Chapter 1*

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He was arguing with his parents for the seemingly hundredth time this week, they always got so angry so fast when he asked if they could try to come home early. He suggested the possibility of going to the movies if they do get home sooner rather than later, but they simply lectured him, scolded him for being so selfish.

"Everything you own is yours because your mother and I work hard for it!" Michael's father snapped, "We don't have time for any of your tom-foolery and games, Michael Gordon Clifford."

"I'm so fucking sorry that I want to have some type of relationship with my parents," Michael spat back, he definitely had his father's temper, that's for sure.

"Michael!" His mother exclaimed as though shocked her son would raise his voice or speak to his parents in the way that he was, but it's not like this happens almost every day. Oh wait, it does.

"You know what, I have the perfect punishment for a selfish, no good brat like yourself, it's time you know what it's like to work hard." His father said angrily, crossing his arms over his chest.

"What do you mean?" Michael asked, his eyes widening at his father's serious tone.

"The hospital always accepts volunteer work." He smirked.


"There's no fucking way I'm doing this."

"You watch your mouth, Michael, I have to get to work, and you are going to volunteer here until I come back to pick you up."

"I don't even get paid for this, I don't want to spend my summer at a damn hospital!" Michael exclaimed, throwing his arms into the air.

"You selfish, selfish boy, can't you do something to help others for once in your life?!" His father snapped, "Now get out of my car."

"But, da-"

"No, Michael!"

He clenched his jaw shut angrily, balling his hands into fists as he swung open the car door to get out, not bothering to close it behind him as he walked toward the white building with giant glass windows and a bright red sign that was vivid enough to tell the whole damn world there was a hospital here. Michael hates hospitals, he hates sickness, and death, and basically all that was in a hospital would be sickness, and death.

He was practically spitting fumes when he stormed into the room, walking up to the desk and waiting as the girl working there was absorbed in her phone. Michael sighed through clenched teeth, rudely clearing his throat, "If you wouldn't mind looking away from snapchat to focus on what you're being paid to do for five seconds you would realize that there is somebody standing and waiting right in front of you."

She glared at him through long, fake lashes, slowly setting down her phone and plastering a fake smile on her face, "What do you need, sir?"

"I'm looking to volunteer." He replied in a rueful manner, silently cursing his father for this.

"Name and age?" She asked boredly, still glaring at him.

"Michael Clifford, nineteen." He said with a heavy sigh, and the fake blonde raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"A Clifford coming down from the throne to help the peasants for once, huh? Interesting, you have 'O' negative blood type, that's uncommon." She commented, and Michael clenched and unclenched his fists as he tried to ignore what she had said, the nerve of some people.

"Go to the staff room and tell Sophie that you're a new volunteer, she'll help you out, or at least, she'll try to." She said with a smirk, and he bit back a stinging reply, well aware that most people hate his family name, and he should expect some rather unfriendly faces.

The red haired(oh yeah, I'm bringing red hair back, you're welcome<3)teenager walked toward the door she had motioned to, sucking in a deep breath before gaining the courage to turn the round handle and walk in. A few people wearing volunteer shirts sat around on their phones, surprising, while a busy looking woman with graying brown hair pulled up in a ponytail as she typed hurriedly on a desktop computer.

Michael approached the desk, and figured that he should attempt to be patient this time, she looked like the type of woman that would bite his head off if he stepped over her boundary. She glanced up at him with light brown eyes, "You must be Michael? Can't say I'm not surprised to see a Clifford volunteering, never thought I'd see the day, and yet here you are."

"Here I am." He said, cringing inwardly at how damn awkward he sounded.

"Come with me and we can get you looking more like a volunteer and not a punk asshole, oh and I'm Sophie." She said as she brushed passed him while he stood in shock before following her quickly only to have her stop abruptly outside the door, causing him to nearly crash into her.

Michael stiffened as someone was rushed by on a stretcher, and he was able to catch a glimpse of blonde hair before they were rushing down the hall. A somewhat short male nurse hurried up to Sophie, "Our patient needs 'O' negative blood, but we don't have enough to save him."

Sophie cursed under her breath, raising her voice to catch the attention of the workers and any visitor waiting in the room,"Does anyone here know if they have 'O' negative blood that they are willing to donate?"

The bratty blonde at the front desk smirked as she raised a hand and replied, "Michael Clifford has 'O' negative blood type."

If looks could kill, she would be way beyond six feet under from the one Michael was giving her right then, and he gulped as every set of eyes in the room turned to him, and his father's voice echoed in his mind, can't you do something to help others for once in your life?

"Yeah," Michael said before he knew what he was even doing, "I have 'O' negative, I'll do it."

This is so cheesy I love it lol

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