A Good Day Go To A The Library

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(The Next Day)
[Naruto apartment

The sunshine is shine on our Young youth Hero in his apartment

" oh man get away Sun I trying to go sleep " said annoying & sleepy Naruto then he got up from his bed then take quick shower and brush his teeth and get ready for day of go to the library.

"Ok I have to go to the library to read on chakra control exercise" said a happy and excited naruto.

Then he left his home ran to a black Alley to transform into his older self side the walk to the library so he can enter the library because for some reason he can't go.

Naruto enter library then go to the librarian desk and ask,"Hey can you show the chakra control exercise section" said naruto

The librarian look up at Naruto then said,"Ok sir follow me" said she then she led Naruto to the chakra control exercise section

"Here are all the chakra control exercise book the next section are chakra control examples then that are 'how to make your own jutsu form being' and so forth,on the bottom is a very interested book about some people call " Conduit" with some weird power. said the librarian

"What kind weird power? Said Naruto to the librarian

"Will there are some man have the power of control actual lightning, then there are another guy use smoke and absorb other power like neon ,video and concrete,That all power the book But some people think there are more power but0 that's the theory. Said the librarian who just walk away back to her desk.

" wow they are amazing power like that but that's is just theory" sad amazement Naruto
Then get all the books about Chaka control and chaka control examples and that book.

Then Naruto check out the book and went back home to read that book.


Naruto wake up do his thing in the morning then have breakfast then when to his personal training ground to do more chakra control exercise in the book he reads last night "ok I have to do the tree walker exercise say the book" said Naruto after stretching

'Ok the first is two gather mine chakra on my feet then walked up the tree but not too little I will not stick or to much I will blast off the tree' thought Naruto walk up the tree about 10 inches of the ground then fall off

' dammit I wasn't using right amount of chakra' thought Naruto who get off the ground then doing the exercise until he get it right

(5 Day later)

The Nex 5 day Naruto masterthetree walker exercise,his Chakra control is high genin but is still need work on

"Ok I'm am done with the tree walker exercise,I'm chakra control is good but is still need to work on,ok the next is water walking or wall climbing or Kunai balance but the problem of the kunai balance is that I have the Academy kunai not the real one,I can't buy a kunai at the store because for the villagers anger at me for the fox " said Naruto

( Yes Naruto know that his is the jinchūriki of the Nine-Tail because the villagers loud whisper and glance and the nasty names he got)

'Ok what to do.......,ok I got it I can do it both because this training ground has ever things that I need to do,ok but what about after I finished the other exercise,I can work on I'm speed and hand signed speed and I'm strength at well but I have to find a new and old style of Taijutsu but I think I need to sneak in the library or the hokage value and this house in front of me'though Naruto for a easy way to find a new and old style of Taijutsu


Ok that is it for this part

Thank you people who read this an like it

Ok I have a question for you guys the question is"what is Naruto taijutsu name" for his regular style and his blood line taijutsu ok that the question of the day good bye and see you next time on the new part or chapter

Signing out the vinny-the-last-hunter

Good bye

Translations segments

Taijutsu: (体術, Literally meaning: Body Techniques) is a basic form of techniques and refers to any techniques involving the martial arts or the optimisation of natural human abilities.

The kunai :(クナイ, Kunai), along with the shuriken, is one of the most common ninja tools.

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